
Nails Nathan
Nails Nathan
loves art, history, novels, hiking, and everything about getting everyone the resources and systems we need to thrive.
Fatima Ayub
Fatima Ayub
Political analyst focused on global conflict and security, Afghanistan, the Middle East and US politics. Purveyor of quality nonsense. Rare Afghan with two names.
Former Sailor, past Mobile DJ, bragging up Nova Scotia, and sharing amazing places. Extremely varied interests (except Sports), no hard-line Politics, just part of daily conversation.
Critical AI
Critical AI
Critical AI's first issue out:! Follow us here or or on X @criticalai.

To learn more, see our website:

Read our blog too:
Eryk Salvaggio
Eryk Salvaggio
Situationist Cybernetics, Art-as-Research, Creative Misuse, Small Acts of Technological Resistance, anti-AI AI artist. Aim to be kind. Teaching Responsible AI at Elisava Barcelona (but live in Rochester NY).
Faine Greenwood
Faine Greenwood
civilian drone mapping technology and GIS/spatial data consultant, sometimes journalist and writer, monitors small drones in the Ukraine war, humanitarian-aid adjacent, always annoying online. they/them
Dan Hon
Dan Hon
Hi, it's me, I'm the problem etc etc

my hallway track:
Andy Richter
Andy Richter
I’m here now. Listen to my podcast
No longer in good standing with the New York State bar
Bhaskar Mitra | ভাস্কর মিত্র
Bhaskar Mitra | ভাস্কর মিত্র
Researcher @ Microsoft Research | PhD @ UCL | Information Access + Deep Learning + AI & Society| Pronouns: He/him ✊🏽🇵🇸
Angela Collier
Angela Collier
Theoretical Physicist.

From Eastern KY.
it's gita time
it's gita time
im gita

cofounder of
[email protected]
Mél Hogan / The Data Fix podcast
Mél Hogan / The Data Fix podcast
🌎 😷 🏳️‍🌈

Critical media scholar interested in the meanings we make of perpetual tech promises. Focused on the environment.

🎙️Podcast: The Data Fix
Todd Feathers
Todd Feathers
Data journalist for hire. Writing about algorithms, education, and civil rights.
Zeynep Arsel 🍉
Zeynep Arsel 🍉
Researcher of consumption, markets, & internet. Not a thought leader. Killjoy. Post-Ottoman subject. Feels alterity sickness everywhere.

She/her/cis EN/FR/TR/ND

Background: still from Killer of Sheep
Profile: a woman wearing a respirator mask
Charles Logan
Charles Logan
Learning Sciences PhD Candidate at Northwestern University - Critical Digital Pedagogies and Literacies - Dad Life - he/him/his
Sarah Tuttle
Sarah Tuttle
Disabled, queer, Jewish, (chimerical?) cyborg, professor of space stuff, abortion funder, antifascist, wielder of wrenches and too many pens. Building joy with a side of chaos. Team Lightning Thunder Unicorn.
Alondra Nelson
Alondra Nelson
Scholar, author, policy advisor
Assistant Professor of Communication @ Stanford. Histories of AI/ML, NLP, speech recognition, and related data practices; general tomfoolery.
Shannon Strucci
Shannon Strucci
video editor, Marlin on Oddity Roadshow, host of Fight Together on the One Piece Podcast. also the parasocial hell person. based in ATL
Cates Holderness
Cates Holderness
head of marketing at tumblr. personal account obvi, opinions are my own etc. we both just lost The Game. 🌱 (she/her)
Kat Lo
Kat Lo
Content Moderation Researcher at Meedan, Producer for hbomberguy
Research: online moderation/abuse, misinfo, Trust & Safety, mental health, social media reporting/escalation channels. Prev: @Instagram @Intel @MSFTResearch
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra
Sociologist at UC San Diego. Author of Automating Finance (2019) & The Quantified Scholar (2022) Director Latin American Studies (2023-25) and the International Institute (2024-26) at UC San Diego.
Karen K. Ho
Karen K. Ho
Art crime and business reporter at ARTnews. Owner of a floofy dog. Former Doomscrolling Reminder Lady. Canadian.
Marco Rogers
Marco Rogers
Web developer, movie buff, and pretty much the best guy you know. Married to @operaqueenie.
Chantal James
Chantal James
Check your vernacular & then I’ll get back to ya. Essayist poet philosopher & writer of the 2022 debut novel NONE BUT THE RIGHTEOUS. She/her
Yilin (she/they) - The Lantern & the Night Moths is OUT NOW
Yilin (she/they) - The Lantern & the Night Moths is OUT NOW
Writer. Poet. Translator. Editor & translator, The Lantern and the Night Moths (Invisible Publishing 2024). Clarion West '21. aspec 🏳️‍🌈. Once fought the British Museum.
Ariel 🏳️‍⚧️
Ariel 🏳️‍⚧️
Your queer sci-fi, pro wrestling, and horror movie princess in Seattle. fae/faer
Bo Thompson
Bo Thompson
Retired Educator / Learning Scientist
Solo Game Developer
Pixel Artist
Worked on a bunch of JRPGs back in the day
Male presenting NB
Pronouns: Nobody/Nothing/None - any if you must
Avatar alt: Pixel art portrait of a Black person with glasses and pink hair
Dell Cameron
Dell Cameron
Sr. writer @ WIRED in Texas. Natsec & privacy.
> Signal: dell.3030
Caræsten 🇵🇸
Caræsten 🇵🇸
I spend a lot of time thinking about all the ghosts that live in old electronics.

Preservation, erotic art, old tech.

18+ only

(she / they)
Michael Ekstrand
Michael Ekstrand
Info sci prof @ Drexel, trying to keep the machines (esp. RecSys & IR) from learning bigotry and discrimination. ADHDS9. Usually self-propelled. Opinions those of the Vulcan Science Academy. 🐰x3.
rat king 🐀 👑
rat king 🐀 👑
writer, skeeter
Greatest Trek and The Greatest Generation
Greatest Trek and The Greatest Generation
Star Trek podcasts by embarrassed nerds.
Daniel Rough
Daniel Rough
Lecturer in Computing at University of Dundee! 💻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Doing HCI, UX and speech interface research. Scottish. Metalhead. A very stable genius. Capricorn. Wanton sex goddess. he/him ☕ 🥃🍷
tweety fish
tweety fish
at different times:
haxx0r in cDc
PhD in using people for ML and vice versa
"theory of mind for autonomous cars" startup guy would you believe, went kablooie
at present: newsletter --

&c music, politics, nonsense
Benjamin Ahr Harrison
Benjamin Ahr Harrison
Star Trek podcast host @GreatestTrek, fart joke enjoyer, newly minted embarrassing dad.
Grace Loh Prasad
Grace Loh Prasad
Writing about belonging & diaspora in NYT, Longreads, Catapult, The Offing. Memoir THE TRANSLATOR’S DAUGHTER (March 2024) is available now!
Alex Hanna
Alex Hanna
Director of Research, DAIR Institute. Roller derby athlete/announcer, BayAreaDerby. 🇪🇬⚧ She/her/هي
📸 Ryan Young (
Thomas Fuchs 🔭🕹️
Thomas Fuchs 🔭🕹️
👨‍💼fine time tracking software at
📸 I killed Flash (with
🔭#astrophotography -
BLM. Ally. He/him.
Future somebody | Data, Tech, Law, Power | Wake up, oh sleeper...
🖥️ Gaming Youtuber, Media Critic, Philosopher King 🤴
📩 Enquiries to [email protected]
Kashmir Hill
Kashmir Hill
Journalist, currently at The New York Times. I cover privacy, technology & people done wrong by AI. Named after the Led Zeppelin song. Author of the new book YOUR FACE BELONGS TO US. (Yes, in my head it will always be All Your Face Are Belong To Us)
Comfortably Numb
Comfortably Numb
Principal software engineer. AWS/CDK/TypeScript.

Interests: Pink Floyd, Star Trek, coding, biking, VR, cats. Not necessarily in this order.
Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic
You know... the weird one.
Sarah T Roberts, PhD
Sarah T Roberts, PhD
Wrote a book called Behind the Screen: Content Moderation in the Shadows of Social Media (Yale 2019), and Meta used it to train its LLM.

Professor, researcher, author, VP of AoIR, fan of many things, gay lady.

“This heaven gives me migraine.”