
as I said to a friend, I’ve been trying to articulate some things and when I feel a bit more confident about my thoughts I need to talk to you about them I think :)
don't wait on confidence! but also no rush lol
Sounds like a plan. You have my sword!
!! i'll read this today, thanks!
Can we all stop comparing ourselves to the Luddites? They destroyed machines that *actually did the thing they were designed for*. Meanwhile, we are protesting (vociferously but apparently without result) against systems that don't achieve what they're meant to AND burn the planet's resources.
The Luddite comparison is incomplete, but I don't think the situation would necessarily be "better" if AI worked. The Luddites knew the machines were making lower quality products, but they were against being replaced by the machines, which AI's owners very clearly want it to do.
I've always been on the side of the Luddites in terms of the social upheaval they were resisting. There's more than just profit in a society. But at least if you were a weaver being replaced by a machine, that machine produced cloth! Not just something that looked vaguely clothy from a distance.
From the point of view of capital owners, the machines were better. Profit, not quality, is what matters in capitalism. And AI does not deliver profit (at least not yet, and I doubt it will ever do that).
Good points, but businesses further down the pyramid don't have to care about whether OpenAI or whoever is solvent or not. They're looking at their own finances and seeing that a Creative Cloud subscription is cheaper than paying a salary or commission for a writer or an artist, for example.
Of course. And that's true now, but what about when they ramp the prices of these things up and there's nobody left who *can* do the thing? So they're paying as much (or more, why not?) as they used to for a human, but still getting shite quality!
Yeah. What’s most obvious about AI is the ridiculous amount of capital that needs to be spent to gain so little economic efficiency. So either AI eventually delivers for capitalism, or this terrible trade-off will become apparent to investors in a few years.
Just the absolute fuckery it's unleashed on the power grid is a bigger reason than everything else.
Very intriguing. I’m almost at that point too — despite having worked in AI on and off since 1985. My one remaining skepticism is whether AI as-is is a manifestation of late modernization and, therefore, is it the right target? I’m not yet sure destroying it is attacking the symptom not the cause.
I’ve been trying to articulate this more over the past few days, and I’m coming to the idea that maybe the underlying problem is a feudal style of intellectual property rights modelled on land rights, which essentially promotes monopolization. Maybe it’s monopolization we need to break.
Hi Ali: As a CG artist whose livelihood is profoundly and imminently threatened by Generative AI, I appreciate the thought that went into your post.
i can't tell you how grateful i am for this. thank you.
human computer insurrection
Avatar posted a long book review from yesterday that moots a paradigm shift away from economic models of organization and system design toward management cybernetics; book's called The Unaccountability Machine I think. Might be relevant
The only way to stop it would be to regulate it and there is no political will to do so.
If humanity ever actually figures out ACTUAL, REAL AI, that AI will be fucked by the hate and rage rightfully generated at today’s UTTER BULLSHIT fake AI.