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they/he, game dev (programmer) by trade,
some of y'all have never been to a Dooley's and it shows
My sister may have created the next great personality analysis tool: “Would Or Would You Not Eat the O’Reilly’s Auto Parts Candy?”
in 2020 when i was in an SFPC class about surveillance we talked about the idea of "the internet of snitches" and the term has even more predictive power than i would have thought
So Windows Recall takes screenshots every few seconds, OCR's them, and then stores all that in plaintext in a SQLlite database. It's impossible to understate how much of a security issue this is. Easily compromised spyware installed by your OS!
Windows feature that screenshots everything labeled a security “disaster” Windows 11’s new Recall feature faces privacy and security concerns.
yeah, you know, video games!
Reposted byAvatar goose
75+ employees at UNB just delivered a letter to the President and Chair of the Board expressing concern over the "ways we have seen the institution demonstrate complicity in" the "unconscionable violence" in Gaza and calling for the below measures:
Reposted byAvatar goose
this ends up being the kind of puzzle knot, a lot of us want larger, more nebulous categories, and for good reason, but we don't want to apply our definitions to others. the answer, almost always, is to treat people the way they want to be treated but labels simplify is over time
Reposted byAvatar goose
Reposted byAvatar goose
Lol the guy who's job it is to read the Utah trans bathroom snitch report says he thinks it's good that they're discriminating against trans people but the snitch line has made his job miserable. They also confirm that plausible fake reports are more disruptive.
Reposted byAvatar goose
Corporate executives trying to make sufficient sacrifices that the gods bless us with another zero interest rate season
there are days where it feels like hope can make you feel sicker than grief
if you haven't read up on Stop Cop City and want to see what kind of repressive measures can be brought against activists today, it's worth reading up
This is honestly so reprehensible I don’t know what to say.
Anyways! I never posted about my comic being done and printed! Chapter 1 of The Death of Baba Yaga will be debuting at TCAF and MCAF. 44 perfect bound pages.
they're real now
Reposted byAvatar goose
The Palestinian Relief Bundle is finally on itch. All donations (minus processing fees) go to Palestinian Children's Relief Fund. Give it a look and share widely.
Palestinian Relief Bundle by ghosthunter and 358 Palestinian Relief Bundle: 373 items for $8.00
working on a lil' sticker
shout out to Civil War for its vision of an America where ear protection was never invented
games that make you make to-do lists > games that make you complete to-do lists
alright you guys know the deal video game trash Friday. give me your spiciest opinions, oddest head Canon, and strangest ships. go!
happy TDoV, may we see a day where closets are unnecessary
Let's Play Life and The California Problem alone are worth the cost of admission. if we want good, deep, and weird crit we gotta make sure good critics eat
hey folks: a reminder i'm not in great financial shape right now and i just wrote a massive book-length post for free on my blog. could really use any and all support on my patreon right now, esp if you want any more stuff like this
Get more from Liz Ryerson on creating podcastin', Music, Criticism, Art
Reposted byAvatar goose
waited too long to release this diary game:
the thing that's been really getting me lately is how each of these shitty target formulations never go away. Tories look at transphobic conspiracy theories and turn them into law. people stay stuck on gamergate for a decade. none of this ideological trash ever gets cleaned up
the potion is the Costco hot dog of final fantasy, been 50 gil forever
it's not just crypto, it's not just LLM training, it's cloud computing. if we care about ecological impact we have to think about how computing is arranged and what we use it for. it's strategically useful to fight new uses, but data centers are gonna get built regardless of the new thing
i love how chipper SunnO)))'s communications person is
Reposted byAvatar goose
Vice dying is very sad to me for a bunch of reasons. Among them is that it's where I wrote my first-ever article; a little essay about playing The Boys Are Back In Town on a jukebox until I got kicked out of a bar, which, stupidly, changed my life.
I Played 'The Boys Are Back in Town' on a Bar Jukebox Until I Got Kicked The boys were back in town, but I was out of the bar, because they asked me to leave.
Reposted byAvatar goose
Whether Vice goes offline or not (I don't think it will but you never know these days) I've spent a lot of this morning going through old clips. Vice, at one point, would really just let you pitch any crazy idea. I have some of the most unique clips in my portfolio from Vice.