Aleksi Gray

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Aleksi Gray

Comics and novels: SPIDERSILK, FELL SWOOP. Coming 2024: THE BARD AND THE MESSENGER 🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ He/They. ✨ Local flower rogue ✨ I work in comics: Editor | QC | BG Artist | Flatter | Inker
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I didn't have to pretend. The USPS is a genuine Public Good. I did fan art for it. I Love the USPS.
Trump was so evil that people had to pretend to stan the U.S. Postal Service for three months
Great to see a tab where I can recommend other creators on Patreon, but OF COURSE I cannot recommend others doing NSFW comics 🙃 This also means I cannot be recommended.
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
StickerNinja is sold out of stickers for the day just hours after the news broke in our co-op discord, to give y'all an idea of the mobilization that's been possible among cartoonists lately. And that's just for getting cheaper stickers! There's a lot more we can do with collective power!
THE CARTOONIST COOPERATIVE'S growing list of benefits has a brand new addition (AND MORE TO COME...)! Members can now receive an exclusive 10% off discount for custom sticker orders from STICKER NINJA, the artist owned sticker company: by artists, for artists.
The Cartoonist Making comics better for everyone!
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Please share this campaign in the original post! If possible, try to donate. I was able to add 25€. They are getting closer to their goal! About 80% of the way there! 🍉
Shadi reached out to me on Instagram; Their family is currently in Raf4h with two small kiddos . It'd mean a lot to me if you either shared their gofundme or matched my 50$ donation! 🍉 Listed on Operation Olive Branch's families in need: no. 689
Please consider helping my family live safely, organized by Mohammed Hello, I am Muhammad Abu Issa. I live in Belgium. I am organizing this … Mohammed Abuissa needs your support for Please consider helping my family live safely
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
Why yes, I am a flower artist! I draw flowers.
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
VOSS voss voss vossvossvoss OK I just like Voss and I'm excited to be drawing him again. Orestes is safe now. Finally. Spidersilk updated!
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
"You shouldn't judge people for their political views" is such a nothing statement. Political views can range from "I don't think we should have sales tax" to the most horrifically bigoted nonsense imaginable, and if someone is saying that instead of being more specific, that itself is suspicious.
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
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What’s up Kaveh nation how are we all doing today? (He has been my comfort sketch character for like 6 months, I have so many drawings of him) #Kaveh #GenshinImpact #カーヴェ #原神
LRP -- Baby trees have more shallow roots! Also, trees planted in the city like that are likely surrounded by short grass, which isn't great at retaining moisture. Established plants will generally be fine, but you gotta give them a chance to get there.
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Seattle friends! Know how the city has been planting saplings to replace trees that have died from heat/drought/age? The city does not actually water them regularly! In this dry heat, a lot of them are dying. Gator bags say they need 15 gal/week. If you see one in distress on your street, adopt it.
Yes! Stories are everywhere. Play games, watch movies, watch TV series, read novels, read comics (of all kinds). Sometimes the things that inspire me aren't even in my preferred genres to write and draw in! It's good to know where your work fits in your genre, but what can you add?
Sometimes the best advice I can give to other aspiring comic authors is... not to read comics. Read literally everything. A varied diet will keep your work feeling rich and refreshing. Sometimes you read a story & the writing feels so stagnant because it draws from nothing but its own genre.
VOSS voss voss vossvossvoss OK I just like Voss and I'm excited to be drawing him again. Orestes is safe now. Finally. Spidersilk updated!
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
Stumbled on a negative review of THE GHOSTKEEPER and boy, that Nice Things folder REALLY came in handy 🥲 Things that also helped: ⭐️ give equal weight to positive reviews ⭐️ everyone will have diff contexts & expectations for “good” books ⭐️ take time to be sad, then let the feeling pass ⭐️ hug a pet
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
Just finished reading my PDF copy as I wait for the eventual physical and hey, turns out when you have a collection of the best queer sapphic creatives in comics do a romance-smut anthology it ends up being absolutely fantastic. Who knew! Gorgeous, tender, and STAGGERINGLY hot. The ideal package.
This went out without any fanfare at all, oops. But hey, Sapphic Pulp backers, check your inbox!! 🥰
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and when i say "design" i mean: explorations of colors, characters, decor, environments, mood, etc. in advance you don't have to do *all* of this before starting, but in my personal experience my work is always way better when I'm not trying to do things on the page while juggling everything else
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if it's not included in budget, that effort has to come out of somewhere else: cutting into page budget (decreasing hourly rate), the artist's own personal time, and/or cutting corners to speed things up. as always, I wish a better and more thorough understanding of the work cartoonists do
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one thing i'd love to see reflected in comics budgets are design phases. this is so rare and often assumed to be included in the page rate, which is fine for a really long project because of economy of scale... but design takes the same work when you're working on a short piece (<20 pages) vs. long
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QRP with how you draw men Probably wearing fancy stuff, probably loving on each other
QRP with how you draw men. Fucked up and loving other men a lot of the time lol
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
The majority of people flatly do not understand — and would be honestly shocked by! — how little money most publicly known writers make
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✨📢Two new webcomic pages this week!📢✨ Boy howdy does Ethan have some THOUGHTS to share about this trial!!! 🔞Adults Only!🔞  #Webcomic
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It's time for the 2024 Comics Worker Survey for US workers! Pay transparency is crucial to uncovering patterns in pay inequity & learning what publishers and clients can ACTUALLY pay us. Submit your info and encourage your peers to do the same! (art by Phil McAndrew)
Why yes, I am a flower artist! I draw flowers.
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
if you are not following the cartoonist co-op 👀👀 or aren't a member yourself 👀👀👀 i suggest you fix that friend
The Cartoonist Making comics better for everyone!
I saw pink yarrow (!!) and went to look at it closely. I always look carefully at the ground as I move through fields because I don't want to step on ground hornet nests. Been there, don't wanna do it again. Anyway there was a sizable pit right in front of the showy pink yarrow. Crude fae trap?
If having trouble with photo references on simplifying a creature or just not knowing what you're looking at, try image-searching it again with "diagram" added.* That usually helps me get a better understanding and photo refs are easier to parse after! *If clothing, try "pattern" instead.
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
I was so excited the first time I made it to the train in Stardew Valley to get whatever fell off... I got four pairs of leprechaun shoes. I have gotten leprechaun shoes on multiple occasions from the train. What am I supposed to do with all these 😂
Reposted byAvatar Aleksi Gray
I don’t remember where I heard this but I always defined it as MG: character discovers a world beyond them and YA: Character discovers their role in the world
TOPIC: Define "picture book." Or "middle grade." What makes a book YA? Is it simply age range? Or how it's shelved in the library? Do you have a firm grasp of the categories and where your writing and/or art fits? #kidlitchat