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Most hilarious show. Compare the laughs you get from that, or from The Other Two for that matter, to the comedy power of The Bear. Which I like but uh, it is not comedy.
Sometimes it seems like both the Biden-should-drop and the Biden-should-stay groups hate Harris.
There have been some focus groups and as usual they are a mixture of yikes and good insights. One recent Longwell group said they don't like Harris-- but don't feel like they see her enough. That's something Biden can act on. The more he elevates her, the better people might feel about his age.
Harris is the only alternative. Schiff and others are imo making it worse. Only Biden's family has real sway over his decision-making. If he stays in, Schiff and the others have to help Biden make his case, so what they're doing now is probably counterproductive.
Personally I think even Dead Biden would be better than Trump, but I'm not sure if that message will go over well with swing state voters. He doesn't have dementia and did a good job in his first term and Trump/Vance are evil. It's possible that pitch works.
Ok. It looks like Biden is struggling in comparison to what voters thought in 2020, despite the booming economy. Young voters are not thrilled this time around. Bernie says Biden should stay in but probably won't finish his term, which is an issue we'll just have to paper over.
Sure. That's the American voter for you. I've canvassed in swing states, I'm sure you have as well, and you know from talking to voters how wild the vibes can be. We have to address their concerns even when their concerns are off base. We'll have to say he's not senile, he's just showing his age
All I'm saying is Biden's top supporters trust the polls that show switching won't change things. That's fine. Swing state turnout is all that matters. Perhaps he and his campaign will improve and win apathetic voters back. And I get it, some people don't think he needs to improve.
Yes, I think Harris and Josh Shapiro can deliver a message and handle bad press. I trust them. I trust Whitmer and Beshear as Veeps too. You have a lot of let's in Biden? Does that word freak you out? Sorry.
Ok fair enough. Let's all hope Biden becomes a better messenger.
You follow politics, and you know it's not good news when the incumbent president is running behind Democratic senators, which is happening everywhere. It's fair to say that's just due to weird vibes & Dems will all come home. But Bien can't afford to lose *any* swing state votes he won in 2020.
There is no alternative that would not draw criticism. But I have faith in Harris+1 to handle that fire, and to carry the Democratic message. Biden and his folks seem to believfe other Democrats would fail. I disagree, mostly because Biden has truly struggled to push a coherent message.
Nothing is gauranteed and no one is claiming it would be. I think if Harris and a running mate were announced it would have a profound impact on a race where voters are saying "we're tired of old guys." But that's an opinion, it's not science.
Every day the Biden supporters get more Trumpian: polls are fake, any opposition is treason, elites are out to get us. It's sad.
I'll save you the trouble and unfollow. None of this is in bad faith - you guys are claiming Demcrats who want Biden gone are falling for media tricks. Have a good day.
So your position is, "find some polls!" but ignore polls showing Biden DOA because they are all fake. Facinating.
To be fair, Democrats are seeing polls where Biden runs 11 points behind Tim Kaine, ffs. Biden fans ay "ah hahaha polls are all fake (except the ones about Harris, those are real"). So the 300 EV thing isn't a fantasy, it's one possibility among many. There is no science to this thing now.
So the argument is that the votes who want Biden replaced are dummies being led around by "elites" and media. It's Trumpian
"just lots of Nicklebackified emo-attempting sameness from men with face tattoos." 💀 💀 💀
But I have no problem admitting it's my opinoin, not science.
Those who say all polls about Biden are wrong say that polls about Harris are right. The truth is we can't predict how a Harris/Buttiegeg ticket would change the race. My opinion is that it would dramatically change the race. We'd have two people who could actually articulate a clear message.
It's the same thing you guys say about polls... the polls are all wrong, except also the polls are not that bad, and also the polls are *correct* about the non-viability of Harris. The bottom line is you think there's no universe where Biden isn't top chice - and that's fair, but it isn't science.
Right, but you're saying fear the law in making a switch but don't fear it in terms of Trump stealing it if it's close? I guess like a lot of Biden's hardcore fans, you think it's suicide not to go foward with Biden. Nothing will change your mind.
The law seems pretty clear that if a switch happens before the convention, there's no legal impediment. Political parties have the right to their own nominee. But there are a bunch of state deadlines for ballots in early September. A post-convention switch might not work.
But taking to the streets won't stop Trump now or in the future. We have one shot, it is to vote in such large numbers that his fuckery with the courts won't matter.
She does have ill-will, they all do, it's just not polite to say it.
He did a good job with that.
FIFA feeling really good about America's ability to host the World Cup in two years
President + staff, because the staff is weak. Everyone who is resigned to losing needs to get out. They need to be push back forecfully in real time during the RNC, because nobody there is going to stand down for civlity. Maybe they'll surprise me and show up with a truly rapid response.