Queerhawk πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ | πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ | πŸŸ₯⬜πŸŸ₯

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Queerhawk πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ | πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ | πŸŸ₯⬜πŸŸ₯


Gay, from Chicago, twentysomething | refugee from the cursed bird site | he/him, but the singular they is cool too
The NYT has a responsibility to their shareholders to get as many clicks as possible and they have a responsibility as citizens to uphold democracy but God forbid anyone point out those two might be at odds.
If I were up for sentencing for 34 felony counts for laundering money to pay a porn star I had sex with, I would not demonstrate complete remorselessness by saying "I did not have sex with a porn star" on national tv.
you absolutely know he was hanging his hat on being found not guilty of like, at least 5 of the charges. getting the full goose egg leaving him nothing at all to point to is one of the most demoralizing moments of his life and I love that for him
i have eleven million hours of work still left to do today and am having an extremely hard time fighting an incredible urge to go get a fucking cocktail in the sun
I think I'm gonna give this place another go. Pleasepleaseplease tell me it's better than the bird cesspool
Someone just lectured me about the "honorable history" of suicide as a political protest and said, "You of all people should know about AIDS die-ins!" I was speechless, and then I said, "Do you think AIDS die-ins were events where people with AIDS took their own lives?" And he said "Yes." Help.
At the hospital (I work here) and a nurse is listening to a video without headphones. The video is about nurses who were also serial killers.
Watching the news and saw that voters are angry because gas prices are still high, which is news to me, a person who drives to work and knows full well they are the cheapest they've been since we were ordered to shelter in place
When MAGA Republicans call something antisemitic they should let us know if they mean that disapprovingly or approvingly.
My cat made biscuits on my legs and was about to lie down on my lap before deciding he'd rather sit on the edge of my bed instead. I've never felt so disrespected.
It's me, I'm the agent inside Hamas doing everything I can to protect Jewish people
My cat has decided to punish me for feeding him later than he wanted (7:30 am instead of 7 am) by sleeping on the floor instead of on my legs like he usually does
End of feed.