Alyssa Shulman 🥥🌴

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Alyssa Shulman 🥥🌴

Educator, Trombone Player, Nerd, Estronaut

You don't have to sell me on that, I promise you. Just the shitload of Dems who seem open to splitting a ticket with Biden on it
Or just disillusioned Democrats who leave the top of the ticket blank. Pissing off your voter base has consequences, and people are pissed about Biden right now
It's been a pretty solid crushing month, tbqh
Something something lower the temperature
The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance, as the saying goes
Yes, but the only body that can enforce a bad behavior clause is Congress, which has been a nonfunctioning body for most of this country's existence
The thing is, all of those reps still need to get reelected themselves. If Biden is so far underwater that he's damaging downballot races (he is), then swing district dems especially kinda have to do what they can to get him off the ticket or they need to distance themselves from him.
The problem is that he's so underwater right now that vulnerable House Dems need to either distance themselves as much as they can or they'll lose their jobs. The reality is that the top of the ticket is just dragging everyone else down a lot, and keeping the House needs to be a priority
Well, Trump has gotten nothing but negative coverage for 10 years, and none of it has stuck. Most journalists know the GOP aren't going to listen. And Biden's negative coverage is almost always framed through the lens of "we desperately need somebody that can stop Trump and Biden can't do it"
It's like when your quarterback throws his 4th interception in the half and you start screaming at the TV for the coach to put in the backup
I know most leftists don't care for this aspect of her resume, but "Would you rather vote for the prosecutor or the felon?" is a super interesting question to ask during an election
Eh, his admin has been decent, especially by politicians standards.
It sounds like there's consensus in the caucus that he needs to go, I just think they're wanting to gently pressure Biden into stepping aside voluntarily to save *some* face. But yeah, I think given Biden's stubborn refusal to do so, they need to just say "we'll 25th you if you don't drop out"
Just about the only thing the broader electorate can agree on right now is that Biden is too damn old lmao.
If the goal is to gently nudge Biden out, it can't come from the progressive wing of the party or they'd look like political opportunists. And if the push fails, then they'd be blamed for an election loss for sewing division. It's a lot more convincing to Biden if it's coming from Pelosi or Schiff
He's a pretty major donor for the Democratic Party and is extremely connected in political circles. It's not like this is just some random actor
Right? Only ones that come close are CA and SC, in my opinion
IMO, that's far less risky than running somebody who is visibly senile and has half of his own party doubting his fitness for office And it's not like people wouldn't tune in to the reality show, and at minimum everyone knows who Kamala Harris is (and she'd likely win said blitz primary).
The Blitz Primary idea seems to be gaining a lot of steam
It's like an NPC at the start of a video game. "Link! You're the only one who can weld the Triforce of Courage and save Hyrule! Can you help us?" Yes >No "Are you sure? You're the only one who can weld the Triforce of Courage and save Hyrule! Can you help us?"
Yeah, I'm squarely in the replace him with Kamala camp. I cannot fathom a reality where she would be a worse candidate than Biden currently is
It's just the sort of behavior I've come to expect from Trump supporters. Ignoring damaging news stories about a flawed leader in a way that's completely untethered with reality, while decrying the press as biased and out to get you.
For real, the "ignore the polls, ignore the fake news, everything is fine!" attitude is downright Trumpian
I don't know that Biden has all that many stans is the thing. My read is that most of his base is just people who desperately wanted to stop Trump in 2020 and felt that he was the strongest candidate to do so, and any replacement candidate would also be able to lock in the anti Trump vote
I'm not sure I buy this deflection, honestly. The executive branch signs laws, Congress writes them. A bipartisan feel good bill like this is gonna have the experts working with the legislators or administrative agencies, and then you just do a big photo op with the President when he signs
It doesn't require a monthly visit to the White House for 8 months