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Ace | trans | bigender | plural

️⚙️- Rasp (they/them)
🌕- Amber (she/her)
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$90/$200! Pookies appointment is in an hour!
hey pals, sorry to be a bother about this. pookie's vet appointment is in a matter of hours and we've only made about $63, which covers her exam but she needs bloodwork and possibly medications which will run us well over $200 or even more depending on what she gets. Please RT!
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i do not care what you think about bree and salty, but if you, think bree, salty, and bill kezos all being suspended for pointing out blatant transmisogyny is a good thing for bluesky, then you seriously need to fix the transphobia in your hearts. transmisogyny is a real issue on this platform.
Good morning, Fuck Israel. Can't wait to get out of here
Wait, after all the shit Israel did, people on here still try to pretend it's anything but a fascist colonial state?
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we are living thru climate collapse and i don't understand how that's not a bigger fucking deal for people
Kin Dza Dza is such a good movie
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you’re legally obligated to reskeet if you think trans women are beautiful! i do make the rules 😘
You're legally obligated to reskeet if you think trans women are beautiful! 🏳️‍⚧️ Sorry! I don't make the rules =^⁠_⁠^=
⚙️You know, once in a while, I think maybe I'm too paranoid, maybe I should start trusting people. yet every time, somehow shit like this happens that proves me right.
🌕 In general, if you take away anything from this account, let it be this. Trust your gut, it's there for a reason. If something feels off, it probably is...
I hit 31 today, this is the first thing I saw when I opened bluesky.
i NEED people to stop sending me this meme saying "us? 🥹" or is2g
🌕 I need to get out of this genocidal nazi country before I lose my last fucking shred of sanity
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People really don’t like to look at their own complicity in “back to normal” COVID eugenics but accepting govt policy of “only the vulnerable/elderly/disabled people will die by the thousands each week, *you’ll* be fine” has directly fed the rolling boil of fascism American finds itself in now
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We owe $467 on electric, they'll shut us off. Taxes are delinquent. The state has a lien on the house to pay for my prison time and pressures them to force us out when taxes are late. WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Any amount helps, RT's help. Thanks & solidarity. #MutualAidRequest
🌕You know, I don't have anything against Typescript but I was watching this Next.js tutorial and the guy was just putting :any almost everywhere. My question is why? What's the point? If you're going to do that then why not just use regular javascript?
⚙️I don't know why I never got into it on this account but fuck generative "AI". All it does is mimic stuff already done by someone but changes it up a bit to make it look/work shittier.
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hello im a old baby (40yo, 1yr HRT), it has not been an, excellent 2024, but u can help it be better!! I've never done a dedicated fundraiser before, but I need to find a place to live, soon, as I have two weeks to vacate and I need an opportunity to start over, to experience joy again
Make Skye's Transition Safe and Joyous, organized by Skye Hello, I'm Skye, thank you for visiting my fundraiser The novel coronavirus disr… Skye Rosalina needs your support for Make Skye's Transition Safe and Joyous
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Cash app:$MidbossMaybel Venmo: PayPal:
Mutual aid I'm going to be moving out of my emotionally abusive household to go live with my step mom until I move to WA. If you can spare money for moving bins and a uhaul it would be greatly appreciated 🥺♥️
You know coding in React-Native got me thinking why stop there? Make everything React based. React machine learning, React Graphics Engine, React Operating System. Have the entire planet be consumed by react.js. Have our dna turn into .jsx components. #TT
welcome to the New and Improved™ Trash Tuesday! hit me with all your brain worms and tag ‘em with #TT so everyone can find ‘em
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I'm Black, bisexual, transmasc, & mentally ill. Just this morning I was being harassed for being trans. People hate me for reasons they don't even understand. But also, I've been done dirty by all shades, genders, sexualities, etc of people. Idgaf about none of that. I only care if someone is safe.
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URGENT MA 🖤🧡💕💸 a dear friend of mine, a transfem fssw in CA is about to run out of heat & fall behind on rent & is already not making enough money to eat regularly or do laundry. PLEASE HELP -DUE BY END OF MONTH! for safety: my $ options (🖤🧡 in memo) ca $RowanOak9 pp rowanoak5 vmo @ Anarcha-Dyke
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reskeet if you think trans people and trans kids deserve too live a full happy life
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yo, you got an apostrophe? I could really use one right now.
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I was at a vigil for Nex last night, and during the portion where people could speak an 11 yo genderqueer kid broke down in tears yelling that they're so tired of being afraid and they hate that the world is so awful. I don't think I've ever been less okay. I don't think any of us have been.
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🌌 Remember Nex and not the fascist journalist who is tacitly helping platform a woman who's only goal in life is to hurt trans people. Remember that Nex was Two Spirit, that they were one of our most vulnerable and that fascists took them from us. Remember them and bury those who take advantage