Christine Seaforth Finch

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Christine Seaforth Finch

Queer, socialist, fantasy writer, medieval reenactor, inclusive Christian, artist. Trains, archaeology, history, fantasy & sci-fi, bird watching & nature geekery. Autistic & ADHD. Trans rights are human rights. She/her.
My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
I have had 4 hours’ sleep and I feel like crap but HAH TAKE THAT MAGGIE THROUP AND THE TORIES YOU RODE IN ON
I'm reading a book and the author asks: "Who gets to be the backlash?" and I think that this is a profound question. She uses it in speaking about Nat Turner, David Walker, etc... and asks why their actions don't get to be defined as 'backlash' to enslavement.
16 year old beanpole stepson off to his Year 11 prom. How the hell did that happen, where is the toddler???
2nd grader: where did you get all your fidget toys? Me: Amazon 2nd grader: the app or the forest?
“Punching a fascist won’t change his mind” yeah well neither will anything else that’s why you fucking punch him
BIG BOAT STUCK everyone gets the rest of the day off, that's the rules
The Cambridgeshire branch of the Ever Given Reenactment Society is at it again.
Cargo ship has grounded in the River Nene,
gonna write a tumultuous, epic novel about three generations of Finns and call it East of Sweden
Went out to water the garden and found a toad sheltering from the heat in the pond! Also some pretty roses and a single boysenberry working on getting ripe.
Why the fuck should anyone do that Wes? She's a bigot Wes, she's not an expert in any of this, why no mention of engaging with trans people you little dipshit
Sometimes people ask me about the super rich in Renaissance Florence, whether the art/culture/science boom was an example of trickle-down working. (A) Florence had a wealth tax, (B) its richest man Palla Strozzi had the equivalent of only $250 million. Want more Leonardos? Tax the Rich. 🎨🧑‍🎨🖌🎭🔭🖼📚📐🏛🎻💰
"you can't wash the Cyber truck or get it wet" "the ceiling is held on by clips and the clips often fall off" "they glued the gas pedal on and when it falls off it traps you in accelerate" at what point is this thing like..... no longer a car
I don’t want sequels, especially for beloved movies of my youth which ended bittersweet. I want Hollywood to make movies of newer books instead of crouching like a jackal on the bones of nostalgia.
i know there are folks out there who think of my work as some kind of joke or meme and think i will find joy in them putting my name in large language models. i do not. i find it ghoulish and disgusting on level that is almost difficult to quantify. it is existentially abhorrent
Reminder that if anyone on Facebook contacts you claiming to be me, it isn’t. Also if anyone, no matter how famous, tries to hard sell you on a writing coach or book trailer or whatever this version is pitching, be very very suspicious!
Tucked up in a little independent cafe in Chesterfield, with two “oops I slipped” books by and 😁 This is what annual leave is for!
Fuck this hustle-culture bullshit. When I’m a skeleton I’m not doing a goddamn thing
Wait wait wait the man whose cars sometimes spontaneously light on fire wants to put a lithium battery in the human Skull and people are ok with this??
FDA: so we reviewed your proposal, we have concerns Elon: it’ll be fine FDA: but the batteries Elon: pssh FDA: what if the wires go all over people’s brains Elon: they won’t FDA: you promise? Elon: sure Elon: plus as you can see I have an unfathomable amount of money FDA: ah well in that case
Young man-- there's no need to feel down I said young man-- Pagliacci's in town You can go there-- see the world's greatest clown Now why do- you- wince- so sadly?
Reposting from The Other Site because it's unusual to see one of my usual historian rants get so concisely memeified.
EARLY CAT: What that? HUMAN: A fish. You can eat them. EARLY CAT: Mine now. I need it. I need the fish. Without fish I die. HUMAN: But you're from the desert. How can you possibly- EARLY CAT: WOE. WOE FOR KITTY. HUMAN INFLICTS A THOUSAND WOES ON- HUMAN: God. Fine. Have it.
I just spent 5 minutes looking for a scrunchie that was *in my hair*. How’s your day going?
if i had £1 for every time david tennant played a non human character who went to the globe and met shakespeare i would only have £2 but it's weird it's happened twice
My cats Snap (keyboard) and Sophie (suitcase), and #NotMyCat who hangs out under the bramble bush in my garden.
And if you see water collected in the road, THAT MEANS IT'S FLOODED. Do NOT drive or walk in it. Yes, even if you think the road is flat and it can't be that deep. I once saw the blacktop on the road itself in front of an elementary school whisked away in a flash flood.
California folks, speaking as a former Midwesterner, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not underestimate flash flooding as a danger. DO NOT drive or walk on or near flash-flooded roads! No, not even for just a little stretch!