Bill Anderson

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Bill Anderson

I am not the droid you are looking for.
I am an open access advocate and inveterate punster.
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"Only 4% of national TV news segments about Hurricane Beryl mentioned climate change. By failing to consistently make these connections, they are leaving their audiences uninformed about the full scope of the climate crisis and its immediate impacts on their lives.” - Evlondo Cooper
Only 4% of national TV news segments about Hurricane Beryl mentioned climate Hurricane Beryl, the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic season, rapidly intensified to a Category 5 storm by July 2, becoming the earliest recorded Category 5 hurricane in an Atlantic hurricane seas...
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Disability is, as ever, the only minority that anyone can join at any time, and which everyone will join, if they're lucky enough to live that long.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
This is also a nice reminder that when conservatives say, "Judeo-Christian" they mean "Christian," because you know nobody at Project 2025, including the person who wrote "Judeo-Christian" below, means anything but Sunday when they talk about deciding what people can & should do on the Sabbath.
Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath. Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
ha, ha, ha -- one errant mouse-click and voila! oots and skeets are reposted. did not intend to do that, but UX, like growing old, is not for sissies!
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Don't expect a person or institution to realistically be part of the solution if they can't accept or articulate how they were part of the problem. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Humanity has done well by burning fossil fuels and dumping CO2 into the atmosphere. This is like running up a big credit card debt: it’s great while you’re doing it, but eventually the bill comes due. The growing carbon debt, by
The growing carbon Why the climate change is different from other environmental challenges
Avatar hi, finally. it took me a long-time to discover you here. question: have you tried the bsky-fediverse bridge?
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Olivetti M40 typewriter (1930), designed by Camillo Olivetti with Gino Levi Martinoli
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the leaf and the cloud [excerpt] — Mary Oliver
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We are heading towards 3°C #globalwarming. What will it be like? And how can we prevent it, with the help of nature-based solutions? New book - open access! All chapters can be downloaded for free (including mine).
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Also, lots of college and university libraries are open to the public and you can use their computers to get access to even more stuff that way.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
A shout out to librarians, libraries and library science -- and the practices of care, community and service which make up their democratizing force.
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Look. I care about climate change a lot. I'm close to a single-issue voter on the subject! But we have GOT to stop worrying about what are, in the scheme of things, rounding errors. I hate, hate, hate this kind of personal-responsibility climate stuff, it's deeply counterproductive.
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Donna Haraway: "Facts are theory-laden; theories are value-laden; values are story-laden."
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You can show in En-ROADS (an easy climate model interface anyone can use) that maximum carbon removal but no reductions = still a catastrophe Whereas maximum reductions and no removal = mostly avoided catastrophe There is no plan B. There is no unmixing the milkshake.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Seriously: People have so much grief & rage & trauma & pain, these days, and so so many of us seem absolutely adamantly opposed to acknowledging that, let alone doing anything about it. It's honestly sad, in the abstract, & just so deeply wearying when they decide to make it everyone else's problem.
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Sartre had no idea. Hell is just passwords.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Mary Oliver taking us all to task.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Even if you want to regard voting for Biden as harm reduction, do that. And yes, I am cognizant of now. But not voting for him only does one thing. There is no messianic option that suddenly appears if we let a man who has already tried an authoritarian coup take the reins of power again.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Portugal generated 95% electricity from renewables in April. More of Europe needs to follow the enlightened politics and financial investments of Southern Europe and ignore the backward destructive idiocy of Germany.
Renewables covered 95% of Portugal’s power needs last Portugal has made huge progress in renewable power, up from 27 per cent in 2005 and 54 per cent in 2017.
posting here, but i am not getting experiences there, or here, with the bridge that seem confirmable.
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
You Are Here. Current atmospheric CO2 levels are higher than ever in human history, and far earlier... This is human-caused climate change.
Avatar as you can see i created a fediverse account that does bridge with bsky. now let's see what can happen.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Anderson
The amount of instantaneous power that was provided by grid batteries a few minutes ago in Texas is about the same as THE HOOVER DAM. 🔌💡
And off to the races we go! 🔌💡