
Crickets who where? Just because nobody organized a pussy hat march in front of your house on Saturday morning when you didn't have anything better going on doesn't mean people aren't and haven't been holding sustained protests in the streets, at city councils, and at fascists' houses for years
This really grinds my gears. The Austin for Palestine Coalition, for ex., has been getting kicked out of city council meetings for something like seven months now, protesting genocide on a weekly basis. Or you're gonna tell me it's crickets when Stop Cop City is live question??? come on now
If you think protests aren't happening on anything and everything every day in this country and especially where people are facing the highest barriers, it's because you don't know the right people. I promise you the right people would love for you to join them!!!
the answer to "why isn't there a march for this, there should be a march for this" is "what's stopping you from organizing a march for this"
Bestie I WILL MARCH, but I’m gonna need a tiny cool front in order to not keel over from heatstroke
i hear you! marching/protests are not my jam for a lot of reasons but boy howdy i'll support the shit out of the people who are able to show up
let's also not forget that people somehow have no visibility on things that are like 10 miles away, let alone in different states. When I talked to folks here about how things go down in the Texas Lege? They literally were blank stares. Like *maybe* they heard about Wendy's filibuster, maybe.
I both think people need to look harder, and think we need to be a little more suspicious about what gets shared and how. It is all all parts situation.
Yeah! Wild to hear this from the EIC of MoJo, who must surely at least suspect, if she does not know, that failures of media coverage w/r/t sustained resistance movements inform how, when, and whether protests happen or the public is made aware of them
right?? even when we are trying - and I know a lot of people are - shit gets lost. Forget malicious ignorance or general skepticism. But we are all too old to act like everyone is out there sitting on their hands. The revolution is *ongoing*.
i dipped into her twitter because i just had to see, and a bunch of folks are posting the receipts where she ragged on the college pro-Palestine encampments as performative activism, so ghghghghgh
so... ... what protests are not performative activism then?
The ones for causes she likes, obviously! 🙄
*insert the most ridiculous face palm here* Of course, of course.
I have SUCH A HARD TIME finding protests I can actually attend. I'm not going to bring my kid (I used to but they feel more dangerous now) and I keep finding out about things after they happen.
There are lots of other ways to do things - these days, I help out on a text line because my health has been blech. Different times, different options.
For sure. I just mean a protest is a thing I'm willing and able to sometimes do, but even wanting to, I have a hard time. People are absolutely doing it! All over! But it's hard to hear what's going on unless you're already connected.
Also I'm curious about the text line? DMs open if you're interested in sharing privately.