
There are a lot of people with a lot of power who really do not understand the concept of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
It's amazing that some corporate leaders are willing to support Trump for tax cuts and deregulation while shrugging about what Trump's threats to wreck democracy and the rule of law would do to the business climate. 1/ New piece from me:
Trump’s Shameless, Corrupt Wooing of Plutocrats Is Suddenly A media narrative has somehow taken hold that CEOs are stampeding toward Trump. The full story isn’t nearly so simple.
Wondered for weeks about this but concluded they 1) can't imagine he would do it, 2) even if he did it somehow the courts would stop him, 3) even if they didn't somehow it wouldn't impact them personally, and 4) even if it did impact them personally they could fly overseas.
It's amazing that some corporate leaders are willing to support Trump for tax cuts and deregulation while shrugging about what Trump's threats to wreck democracy and the rule of law would do to the business climate. 1/ New piece from me:
Trump’s Shameless, Corrupt Wooing of Plutocrats Is Suddenly A media narrative has somehow taken hold that CEOs are stampeding toward Trump. The full story isn’t nearly so simple.
Perhaps the only rhetorical weapon they will understand is, “If Donald Trump returns to the Oval Office, you will lose money. You may get a tax break for a couple of years, but your markets will vanish.”
And 5) their companies will come out the other side just fine (e.g. Mercedes/Volkswagen)
A whole goose is worth more than a few eggs in the next quarterly report.
Because the CEOs themselves surely have countless golden parachutes installed when their industries collapse - and are counting on a fascist economy being so fascist that they themselves won't lose a dime from it
We should make everyone poor so they can’t buy our stuff.
Seems like a simple enough concept, doesn't it?
See also, AI, where they seem intent on not paying for the content the LLMs need to function.