K.O. Myers

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K.O. Myers


I have yet to achieve the perfect mixture of humility and bombast required to write a truly epic one-line bio. Until I do, I'm a freelance podcast producer/editor, D&D game writer/runner, and courts/law nerd.
My theory is TFG picked Vance so the crackers who've been rocking the same giant roadside Trump/Pence billboards since 2015 would only have to change two letters.
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It's here! The first episode of Tested! Meet Christine Mboma, silver medalist in the 200m in Tokyo, who is facing an incredibly hard choice: alter her body, or give up on elite racing in the female category. link.chtbl.com/Rose_
Testedlink.chtbl.com <p>Who gets to compete? Since the beginning of women’s sports, there has been a struggle over who qualifies for the women’s category. Tested follows the unfolding story of elite female ...
The guy who did the most publicized crime in recent memory was named "Crooks." If this is the series finale of our Republic, can we _please_ get some better writers?
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If dispelling doom for the sake of dispelling doom does not appeal to you, perhaps try dispelling doom out of spite, is what I’m saying.
If it’s not helpful to you, by all means ignore this, but I’m just saying… It really helps me to recenter myself to think “Oh right. The worst fucking people on the planet want me to feel like we’re doomed. Fuck those guys, actually.”
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Trump rally shooter: Registered Republican, young white man, with an AR-15. That says nothing about Republicans (or young people, white people, men, or gun owners). And it clearly says nothing about Democrats, people of color, women, or other groups he wasn't a part of.
This always goes badly, but particularly when your full name was a giant neon sign for bullies in middle school.
The news 🤝 Your parents Calling u by your whole government whenever u do something really bad
REPUBLICANS: *spend decades making a bed* REALITY: Okay, time to lie in that bitch. REPUBLICANS: Antifa picked out the sheets!
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The central role of attorneys in the ongoing effort to end democracy exposes such a deep rot in the legal system, and, for that matter, really shows that the 'character and fitness' hoops we jump through to get admitted to the bar are not actually screening out shittyshits at all
While the Democratic Party decides which presidential candidate has the best chance to defeat Trump, the Republican Party focuses on making sure that the election doesn't matter. Plan accordingly. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/u...
Unbowed by Jan. 6 Charges, Republicans Pursue Plans to Contest a Trump Defeatwww.nytimes.com Mr. Trump’s allies are preparing to try to short-circuit the election system, if he does not win.
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Honest to God: this is an accessible, reasonably thorough overview you can share with your mom that also does a solid job shooting down the campaign’s attempts to distance themselves from the plan
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Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
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Loving the work of someone who turns out to be a predator doesn't make you complicit. If you disbelieve victims because their stories make you feel defensive about your identity as a lover of that work, I have bad news for you.
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John Roberts 100% addresses his dick as "Mr. Chief Justice" while he's jerking off reading Article II.
Housing is healthcare, and in America you only get healthcare if you're wealthy.
"Researchers’ analysis of DNA suggests that even the stress of renting has significant health consequences, causing cumulative damage to the body’s tissues and cells, irrespective of actual age." It is Disability Pride Month. Effect is likely compounded for people with disabilities of all kinds.
Living in privately rented homes linked to faster biological ageing, study findswww.theguardian.com Researchers’ analysis of DNA suggests housing circumstances ‘get under the skin’ and are associated with significant health consequences
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So with a little bit of a nudge I have finally sorted myself out & published my first full game in well over a year! Yous might have seen me bleating on about the fun I've had running the CybertopiaAP cast thru this... well, now you can have a try too for just $5! (Community copies also available!)
Data, Nerves +Acquisition by Ben Newbonbennewbon.itch.io A sci-fi map labelling & faction development game to flesh out your futuristic city setting!
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This is the heart of the matter. This cannot stand.
Loving the work of someone who turns out to be a predator doesn't make you complicit. If you disbelieve victims because their stories make you feel defensive about your identity as a lover of that work, I have bad news for you.
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As I’ve been saying for years, we on the left should absolutely NOT be upset about the idea of loosening norms around disregarding precedent and stare decisis. (As opposed to the substance of what is overruled.)
The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s new liberal majority said on Friday that ballot drop boxes can once again be used widely in the state. The decision reverses a ruling by conservative jurists two years ago.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Says Ballot Drop Boxes Can Again Be Usedwww.nytimes.com The decision by the court’s liberal majority, delivered four months before the November election, reverses a ruling by conservative jurists two years ago.
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Just finished @audrelawdamercy.bsky.social’s The Originalism Trap and found it extremely well-reasoned and inspiring, and maybe most important for someone who rarely reads book-length nonfiction, very readable! You should go get it, especially THIS weekend
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Next Thursday, 7/11, I'll be doing a virtual reading and discussion about "Stories Are Weapons" with Argo Bookshop in Montreal at 7pm Eastern time. If you've been unable to see me on book tour, this is your chance! Tickets are free -- just RSVP here: www.ticketsource.us/argo-bookshop/
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Starter pack, but it's all people who have come for Molly and missed.
Honestly starting to think my account name is getting passed around some subreddit for dudes into verbal humiliation
It's remarkable that we made it this far.
I have always envied Kevin's ability to chill, but I'm these waning days of nominal democracy I'm even more jealous.