
This site is that it's made up of over-educated lefties and left-liberals who follow the news incredibly closely. November's election depends on a couple of hundred thousand of moderately engaged to unengaged white midwesterners who'll see approximately zero of our shouting back and forth.
*insular shut-in* left-liberals. right now is prime travel season to the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. do you hear word one from posters engaging with the locals? you do not. that's because they don't. they don't go to those places, and when they do, they don't engage.
too many depressives, too many Acela / tech people, too many academics, too many "wordcels" (pejorative) -- did I do that right? these assholes are even turning typography into a subcultural marker -- and so on. it's all posturing for high-fives from strangers who have the same problems.
There's also a lot of people whom I vote with 95+ percent of the time but have carried over habits from Old Twitter when you could regularly cyberbully media figures, Party insiders, and the like. And that ecosystem is gone.
yes, they killed it, and they don't understand why the party sucks now.
This very meta. Shouting about why the other people shouting are somehow abhorrent to you. Assuming you live in either WI, MI or PA, could you share resources where people who are not there can make support GOTV or grassroots work?
"This very meta"? learn some manners. this very jackass. I'm from rural Wisconsin and just spent four months there taking care of family. I would use the same search tools there as I would anywhere else. do you think we don't have them? but you won't, and you'll blame it on me.
My volunteer work is generally election protection not GOTV, so no blaming involved. But it is ironic that you say no one does anything on here and when asked for resources, your response is “google it.” Winning.
and you're the guy who saw an Asian name and decided to make a dialect joke. I'm being much more civil to you than you deserve, though I will say that you're a typical FIB.
I’m sorry, to what are you referring?
It's gonna be incredible because my suspicion is they'll just go "twelve-year-olds, dude" and pull the blue lever and that's that. Simple heuristic beats complicated double-bluff reverse autofellatio with a half-twist from people who still coast on their SAT scores.
trump raped kids on epstein island and a couple of them recently testified to it under oath
You're saying the quiet part out loud. White midwesterners in the USA are overrepresented and have a disproportionate share of the voice in national conversation.
I'm hoping like hell that, from September on, the nonstop political ads with clips of Trump's most unhinged and frightening statements that play at every station break will finally come to their attention.
Apparently they're already starting in Georgia
Historically, yes. This year is different. Biden is currently losing Nevada and New Hampshire. Polling out of New Mexico, Minnesota, Maine, New Jersey, and Virginia shows him with a 1-4 point lead. The entire Dem coalition is imploding, even in blue states. It’s amazing to see.
Polling is really off this year, probably because of all the robocalls. Special election results are swinging Far to the left. Ar
And when the midwesterners get it wrong, won't we feel smug. Um, wait.
Aren't midwesterners mainly republicans who really don't care about morals or democracy? The racist Electoral College has given them all the power they need. Sorry - that may sound like a generalization but all you need to do is look at an electoral map. Sea of red.
Avatar No. Electoral college, gerrymandering, and targeted voter suppression are massive problems though.
And Black turnout in all three. And the Muslim vote in Michigan. How easy, it seems, to forget the presence of non-white Midwesterners.
The Muslim vote is shakey becaue genocide Joe is shoveling weapons into a genocide of people like them. The ideal outcome is o.r where biden wins but loses MI over this
True, but reliably those MidWesterners veer towards the news perverts opinion as they get informed
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do you talk to your mother with that mouth fascist?
Let's hope that enough of the people on this site actually talk to people out in the real world & make a difference. I know I do.