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Why we pretending the republican music guy is a liberal exactly?
Expect to see essentially zero factchecking on this in any national or local news outlet. American news media is constitutionally incapable of recognizing decreases in violent crime; it is functionally a right-wing culture industry regardless of the political ideology of its actual employees.
Since Day 2 of the RNC will be largely about crime, a reminder of what has actually happened (with murders falling rapidly in 2024 so far)
i shouldn’t need to file a foia for this… would the void like to help a little?
lol does he own hospital stock, how else do you get motivated on this?
Inshallah, Charles al-Windsor, Caliph of Great Britain, will defeat JD Vance’s America. 🇬🇧
He said the UK was on its way to being a nuclear armed caliphate. So he’s making friends internationally as well.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
so cool that people don't pay attention when certain media actors make openly racist gestures and then go dark only to return with dubious nonsense. some of you are dumber than posts.
Hoes that can’t handle me at my third culture don’t deserve me at my third whiskey
Omfg local media lied about the power outage blaming ac… bitch a squirrel bit the cable for the 4th time calm your dumbshit ass down
Huh, lightning bug has managed to breach the wall the same way the sweat bees did… Concerning.
i try not to even talk about the lesser enemies. We got beef at home (brooklyn podcasters x broken stairs)
I love when my ios device exhibits new behaviors after meeting new people
its cool how they took political imagination out back and shot it like noem would a dog
lol "leftist" did you mean pretend media posting constrained by a deep police state
"nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." some guy some day in some book some where
lol fuck off he's just on vacation? bunch of whiny little crybabies on this site who are so quick to declare that the evil trannies have ruined everything without even bothering to check if the cis het guy they are running interference for actually notices or cares about us.
Liberals are like muh visual identification!!!! Bitch we concerned about habitus in this house
It’s good that people are taking sides, however if you could line up so as to use one block instead of 5…
In american politics you are Unserious if you say things like "Health care should be free" and then this is what comes out of the mouths of Serious people
(90s instructional rap) if they use the royal we and don’t got the multi personalities that’s right kids, block block block
Liberal idiots who’ve used my services maybe keep your big mouth shut if you want emergency patches
this actually clears up a lot personally, gonna go make nyc a worse place while i can
Lot of people on here are one fight with a Black person away from adopting Fox News “how is that racist, I didn’t call them the n-word” framing
I know the takeaway is supposed to be “oh no crime” but a gang of thieves that exclusively steals rich people’s fancy watches at high-end restaurants both: 1. is not an issue most people need to worry about, and 2. sounds like the work of a Batman villain called Clockface or something
Moped-Riding Thieves Frighten Diners at Upscale N.Y.C. Restaurantswww.nytimes.com In Williamsburg and Manhattan, robbers have stolen watches worth tens of thousands of dollars before fleeing on motorbikes.
If I was in Gulliver’s Travels, presumably as Gulliver, it wouldn’t have gone down like that with the Lilliputians. However it went down. Don’t know. Haven’t read it.
We need more innovation like this