Andrew St Laurent

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Andrew St Laurent

Lawyer, writer, drummer.
Publishing Rodeo is a wonderful prefreshing for authors about publishing SF/F. They talk about money a lot. It's very refeshing.
They REALLY got worked up about it.
Can you give an author name? This sounds like something I'd like to read and all I can find is the werewolf-themed series of books by Gary Bradner. Thanks if you can help.
The rule of law is probably a thing somewhere. Not sure where but probably somewhere.
Trump's choice to bow out would in fact be hugely popular.
Biden's terrible debate performance should help Democrats realize they must go fully negative to win.
The story of our age : the more unhinged the clip the better it plays.
Maybe she's into the 'divine right of kings' theory of government.
This is 7 Senators! What do they think they can stop?
A sensible analysis with a straightforward set of actions to take.
Nearly all liberals, including the Dems pushing Biden in this direction, agree that if Trump wins, he’ll instantly deem “his” economy the best in history, and everyone will go along with it. So what sense does it make to do the opposite?
You really have something there for everyone.
Really a Jesse Singal hobbyhorse six-pack.
I went to see it based on the Anthony Lane review. Incredible ending.
This is one of the all-time great books about the legal system. Toobin does a great job of situating the case in the history of LA, the politics of the DA's office, and the then relatively new field of DNA forensics.
The problem is, after you do 10 minutes of research, you often learn: 1) the issue is more complex than you thought and 2) you need a lot more than 10 minutes to contribute anything useful. So you don't post.
Been said many ways wha happens as teams and orgs scale up in size but this is as good a way to explain it as I’ve seen.
It would be wrong to see this as just a prudish or Victorian or even sincerely religious attitude about sex. It’s about control. It’s about the authority of the state intruding into more and more parts of life, and about making more and more people complicit in the abuse of power. /1
It's been a stretch since my last Gravity's Rainbow read. Might have to try it again. Vineland great too.
100 Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon Light in August, William of Faulkner A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. LeGuin Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy Bastard Out of Carolina, Dorothy Allison Jesus' Son, Denis Johnson Sherlock Holmes (all works)Arthur Conan Doyle
Thanks for the quote! I've never read Cover but I will now.
Can they sell you alcohol and offer you gambling while you're water-skiing?
Is it going too far to say the major media outlets "need" a horse race and will make every effort to ensure that this election is one?
Really makes you wonder what kind of deal the NYT is looking for from Biden.
One of the problems with Taylor Swift is she is really good, songs are good, delivery is good, message is good. I mean, come on!
That seems like a totally rational response.
Honestly a great cover! Congratulations!
As anyone who listened to Bob Dylan - Oh Mercy (Lanois 1989) and PJ Harvey - Rid of Me (Albini 1993) back to back can attest. Highly recommend!
It rules that NYC was only 7500 or so votes away in a city of 9,000,000 residents from the mayor being the hyper competent technocrat sanitation commissioner instead of the cartoonishly corrupt machine cop