
what! about! campaign funds! and! ballot access!
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Ballot access isn’t a problem, but the Biden/Harris campaign funds and the fact that nobody other than Harris can keep them is a huge problem. Whole idea’s dumb. Whatever the formal process is, nobody who matters is going to challenge Harris for the nomination.
ah I've failed to keep up re ballot access! thanks for the correction.
Yup. No state requires the major parties to certify their presidential nominees any sooner than August 21, and the state parties never do that until after the convention. As it stands now, it's no different than how they'd certify Biden when the time comes.
The funniest one to me is this idea that Newsom would kneecap her. As a Californian I do not doubt the man’s ambition but he’s not a suicidal idiot.
Now the scramble for VP pick would be highly entertaining or anxiety inducing depending on one’s pain tolerance. (And no it can’t be Newsom.)
Thank god it can't be Newsom.
Then how are we supposed to get him out of California?
He's done in two years and after that, well sorry Gavin, looks like your state happens to have two freshly elected senators who aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
And specifically it can’t be Newsom in a manner that even Newsom would have to acknowledge.
Exactly. Moreover, unless Biden willingly steps down not only as the candidate but as president, or alternatively there are real grounds for removal under the 25th amendment, I’m willing to stay the course. I think we are looking at a situation of self-sabotage if any other alternative is pursued.
I think he should drop out and ideally would resign at the same time, though I'd take just dropping out of the race and that's by far more likely than also resigning. 25th will never happen. But the question is who has the better shot at winning now, Biden or Harris. Anything else is irrelevant.
It’s a toss up, really. If the bad faith by the MSM recedes, it will be a blip, or if Biden stumbles again and Jill throws in the towel for him, the results will be more or less the same. If a brokered convention occurs, then we’re just as stupid as Brexiters.
Yeah, it won't be a brokered convention. That's political journalist fan-fic stuff. Either Biden stays in or he drops out and it's immediately Harris uncontested. She won't be slugging it out with Newsom in Chicago. Technically the delegates would be unbound, but it'd be just as pro forma as usual.
I just want to see some goddamn unity for a change. Let’s be the Brits or the French for just a little while so we can beat back this fascist madness and keep control over the armed forces to prevent the end of the republic.