
here it is, your cybertruck moment of zen
Since every year of a Tesla model looks identical to when it debuted the only one you know the owners bought AFTER Musk went full nazi is the Cybertruck. It’s a giant flashing sign saying ‘I know who I’m giving my money to and I either don’t care or that’s the reason why I bought it.’
“Since every year of a Tesla model looks identical to when it debuted” The Volkswagen Beetles of our time, commissioned by an equally normal man
Plus it's an idiot wagon that people paid like 100K for, despite it being ugly, and being unable to get rained on or be used like a truck. Someone owning one has, at best, terrible priorities.
Actually all the 2024 models can be identified because they have the word TESLA on the back instead of the T emblem.
Ooh. Thanks. This will help me scorn more efficiently!
Easy now my mom just got one. I suspect other auto company CEOs aren’t much better than him.
You can buy knockoff T emblems online. I’m thinking of getting done and sticking them to dumpsters.
fwiw people have been swapping and re/debadging Teslas since day one so even *that* isn't completely reliable The new resigned bumper on the model 3 is an indicator tho :)
I generally assume every single Tesla driver I see is a Musk sycophant, honestly.
I did see an image of one with a bumper sticker that said "we bought it before we knew how bad he was" and I'll give them a pass. Nobody else, though.
My significant other wants one, and I'm just like, NO.
I do have friends who bought their Teslas before they knew he was a Nazi fucknuckle.
I don't assume they love him because he's a Nazi. I just assume they love him. I know that's not necessarily so, but the world is an imperfect place. 🤷‍♀️
I assume SOME people think he’s awesome (I saw one of those weird Tesla tanks at my local grocery store very recently) but some just wanted the cool electric car, and could afford it.
Man. We bought our Tesla used from a friend who left the lower 48 largely because the previous owners of our home had a charger installed in the garage. And the constant news and shit on the other site just makes me feel bad.
Yeah, I feel bad for the backsplash for the used market.
well, could always get a few bumper stickers to make your position clear. "i bought this before i knew he was a cunt", "lets hope this one doesnt spontaneously combust". throw in a buncha pride things if you wanna. pro-train things. etc.
Over here number plates start with the half-year of issue, anything from 22-2 onwards is in the "You know damn well what he is" range
Also trying to overlook the part where the accelerator gets stuck under the carpeting. What could go wrong?
Not to mention that others were doing Apple-levels of paying for shiny hype whereas cyber truck purchasers are buying something they can see is stupid and bad