Karl "deadlight" Williams

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Karl "deadlight" Williams


just called ai "the mediocrity machine" in a meeting and a tech bro is twitching so hard he can't even plug this into the mediocrity machine so it can tell him how to respond
Guy! Don't worry anymore, I'm gonna save the day! I'll just buy a brand new climate
I don't think that the Tories appreciate how bad this is. They're talking like it's a bad result they can learn from. No, they're never going to be in government again, they're going to be relegated to third place before utterly collapsing like the historical mistake they are.
BREAKING: SCOTUS has ruled that I’m cool and nice and good at sex, overturning a decision made by my ex-wife Linda in 2004
Well you see, your first mistake was using Reddit as a source...
Men will literally create 20 sons, engineer super soldiers. and launch crusades across the galaxy instead of letting their subjects go to therapy.
It says a lot about the sorts of audiobooks I'm listening to that they more often than not have an "accompanying PDF".
Hilarious to see cypto fans sharing this thinking it means that they're smart, haha. It means that they're doubly dumb for being scammed by something that can be easily dismissed by anyone who knows anything about money or computers.
#Bitcoin  is everything you don't understand about money combined with everything you don't understand about computers.
A bunch of cones using the "show, don't tell" technique to communicate the danger of the hole
a common debate that happens every pride is whether cops should be allowed at pride events. and I know this might be controversial, but I want to propose a compromise: One Cop At Pride
The guy who broke Twitter left and we're supposed to think that's a bad thing.
seems really cool that as a Jew I am now an anti-semite if a white nationalist christian fundamentalist says I am
I need a word for the secondhand embarrassment I feel for his corny fans
According to TfL, 230 contactless/Oyster cards have been used to make a whole Superloop journey in the same day (all seven Superloop buses). Some cardholders have done this more than once in the last month. Bus Nerds 🤓
Snakes? What snakes? 🐍
This is very true. Everything you want to learn about any art or craft is freely available on YouTube. The problem is, you then have to do the work, which is the sticking point for many.
Amazon and Space X are fighting in court to have the National Labor Relations Board declared unconstitutional. This means the two richest men on earth want to dismantle the agency that holds them accountable for union busting. Nothing terrifies them more than worker power.
"Long live the 1871 Commune" Graffiti on the Paris Metro to commemorate the anniversary of the Commune de Paris, which was established on 18 March 1871
The obvious Kate Middleton explanation is that Prince William's sent them into hiding based on intelligence that soon the Exiled Prince Harry, emboldened by his father's illness, will land his troops of Canadian, Australian and American loyalists to seize the British Throne. No mystery here.
Public Service Announcement: A guide for Europeans following American politics, translating common terms: "Extreme left wing" = center left "Left wing" = center right "Moderate" = right wing "Right wing" = extreme right "Extreme right wing" = fascists
Just came out of the cinema; we watched a recording Andrew Scott's one-man show Vanya. It was absolutely stunning. I highly recommend it.
Throwing this K-Stew photo set into the skyline like a fisherman tossing chum into a sea of sharks
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Cronenburg: In the future, technology will be organic and disturbing The Actual Future: I love my little slime watch buddy, it smells weird
who up feeding they slime watch