Angelo Zanola

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Angelo Zanola

Reposted byAvatar Angelo Zanola
Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation
Genuinely thinking of doing a podcast about the spate of weird, almost immediately canceled, prime time cartoons that followed in the wake of The Simpsons season one. Producers greenlighting everything they could while not understanding why early Simpsons worked.
The best joke of Jason Aaron’s Thor run is the first big villain fighting three time travel versions of Thor and telling him he should have brought more Thors and then years later those same three Thors show up to fight the final big bad guy except this time they bring Jane Foster Thor too.
Playing Alan Wake 2 and my big takeaway so far is I should have figured out what was up with Mayor Setter a few hours earlier.
Beginning to think that a car company that makes a product that appeals mostly to liberal consumers having its CEO go rabidly far right at very moment every other carmaker starts directly competing with it may not have been a brilliant business decision.
It turns out Tesla is the only one really struggling to sell It seems the EV transition is going just fine — except for Elon Musk's company
I would like to curse Will Shortz and the NYT crossword for making me think about Kokomo this late at night. That song that single-handedly kept me from realizing how great The Beach Boys were for thirteen years.
Say what you will about the production differences between the UK and US Kitchen Nightmares, but after years of constant over-emphasizing everything with sound effects and background music it makes the moment when they all go silent at the end of Amy’s Baking Company hit like a ton of bricks.
I think it’s a good personality test for whether you would rather end Abbey Road with ‘Her Majesty’, the goofy hidden track about getting Queen Elizabeth turnt, or ‘The End’, the musically brilliant little poem where everyone gets a solo.
Emotional maturity is realizing that’s it’s okay to lower the Alan Wake 2 from Normal to Story because 1) I don’t have time for this and 2) it’s called ‘Story’ and isn’t that just another narrative meta level to this whole thing?
I really love the moments in the later sections of David Copperfield where David has to offhandedly add that his latest books were smash hits and that he’s a celebrity now. And that’s before he is about to drop his version of Dicken’s first actually good book- Nicholas Nickleby.
James Cameron pitching a sequel to a bunch of Hollywood suits- writing Alien on a blackboard, adding an ‘S’ so it reads ‘Salien,’ then adding a line so it’s now ‘$alien.’
Reposted byAvatar Angelo Zanola
You can say that you’re tired of being told this is The Most Important Election Of Our Lives, but the reality is that preventing a coup is going to take overwhelming numbers of votes for the foreseeable future and if you aren’t willing to vote all the time you have to be ready for The Consequences.
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i need to find some way to write about this as the election approaches
Reposted byAvatar Angelo Zanola
The legislature doesn't have a role in deciding the election. The voters do. Any legislator who attempts to overturn the election result should be arrested.
Reposted byAvatar Angelo Zanola
I have probably only seen five total minutes of Willie Mays footage but man, those five minutes. Imagine being one of the 5.3% of voters who did not make him a first round Hall of Famer. I try not to immediately assume racism but it was Willie Mays!
Reposted byAvatar Angelo Zanola
Spiritual, by Charles White, 1941, 📸 by Frank Hurley
Reposted byAvatar Angelo Zanola
Holy moly. This needs to be blasted on every medium the youths watch. And their parents. Seriously.
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
Well I caught up with Berserk, at least the pre-humous chapters. It’s sad this story will go no further but I am truly glad they hit the big turning point plot moment for Casca before the creator’s death.
A spectre is haunting Europe! Who you gonna call?
One sign you can tell that the Cybertruck is ugly as sin is that it took them so long from the announcement to release that every car maker in the world had years to focus test the design and none of them have announced anything looking remotely like it.
About goddamn time Nintendo. The combat and puzzle mechanics look cool and if the Links Awakening plastic guys look is the new house style for the non-open world Zelda’s like Wind Waker cel shading was in the 2000s that’s great.
New Legend of Zelda game finally makes Zelda the playable hero of Watch the first trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
Happy Bloomsday everyone! Hope you did the traditional celebrations of eating pork kidneys, checking out an art museum, going to a funeral, avoiding your wife’s lover, forgetting your key, being Jewish, and masturbating in public. Yes.
Reposted byAvatar Angelo Zanola
Every now and then I will, in my head, refer to The White Stripes as MC2 and chuckle.
Slight manga spoiler warning- today’s chapter of One Piece has a Fastball Special and obviously the guy with three swords gets to be the Wolverine.
Reminder to all English Majors- Bloomsday is this Sunday. And of course Monday is the annual celebration of “Oh man, I forgot about Bloomsday.”
One of the things that kept me from getting into the Naruto manga at first was that Naruto himself at the beginning felt like a mishmash of every Shonen protagonist attribute- spiked hair, dumb as a rock, trio member, orphan and on and on. He even wears orange because that’s the Goku color.
One of my favorite little running jokes in comics is the male character who everyone else acknowledges is just super-hot. It’s a fun joke that Todoroki in My Hero Academia does not realize he’s the class hunk and half the women in Usagi Yojimbo see that rabbit and want to jump his bones.
I was writing about Walt penciling his wife’s X-Factor run and now I am furious we did not get him drawing her run on Man of Steel after she left Marvel during the X-men shakeup. Imagine Louise AND Walt Simonson creating John Henry Irons together during The Reign of the Supermen…