Aniket Kadam

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Aniket Kadam

Reposted byAvatar Aniket Kadam
lmao. this plus crowdstrike firing a bunch of their QA team and replacing them with AI before all that happened is just so funny. the airlines alone are on the hook for billions in missed flights and they're absolutely going to be trying to wring that blood outta this clownshow security company
i know this is yesterday's news or whatever but i am still reeling from seeing this this morning
Reposted byAvatar Aniket Kadam
So who’s “us”?
Reposted byAvatar Aniket Kadam
Reposted byAvatar Aniket Kadam
Child with an undiagnosed mental health issue: “hey I think I have a mental health issue” Parent with an undisgnosed mental health issue: “oh everyone is like that”
Reposted byAvatar Aniket Kadam
"Toronto should embrace the opportunity to reimagine and redesign the city. Replacing office towers with housing, retail, parks and schools can help address our housing crisis while creating local communities and customers who are there beyond 9 to 5 on weekdays," writes economist Mike Moffatt.
Olivia Chow wants us to commute downtown. She should know Traffic congestion is at crisis levels. Greenhouse gas emissions remain stubbornly high, with gasoline-powered cars, trucks and motorcycles accounting for 27 percent of Toronto’s emissions.
Reposted byAvatar Aniket Kadam
Cities built their economic models on having people from the suburbs commute to work and have fun and they don’t have the expertise or confidence to pivot back towards depending on residents as their economic base.
Avatar hi I'm a late dxed autistic person and I'm LOVING Failure To Communicate. I love Xandri so much and your book is tied for Love & Autism by Kay Kerr as a recommending to newly discovered autistics!!! Thanks so much for putting this out in the world, I'm a big sci-fi fan
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