
One thing I think people forget is how relentlessly *stupid* every day of the Trump administration was. He doesn’t need to do a big elaborate complicated conspiracy, he can just (e.g.) email a list of every U.S. agent in the field to Putin and say it’s to own the libs, and *that* will have immunity.
I think the most upsetting part of the ruling is how it seems to be made specifically to prevent one special boy from being prosecuted for crimes because it’s covering a bunch of stuff that no normal person would even think to do.
Wanna use it to do good? Too bad. It’s only if the President specifically wants to do some crimes, the only benefit of which would be personal enrichment.
Until he realizes he can actually hunt the poor for sport.
Big Don is too lazy and squeamish to do such a thing; he plays golf specifically so he can ride around in a little cart with a soda fridge between brief moments of movement Don Jr would hunt people for sport because he'd think it made him look tough Eric would do it because he loves eating spleens
I’m sure they can have DJ in the passager seat of a Jeep or a chopper, armed with a bazooka or something.
He’s never been one to actually DO the violence personally. His thing has always been to bully and threaten, and then get the fixers and hired help to “take care of it” while he’s conveniently somewhere else. Remember on J6 he was hiding out in front of a TV watching his minions do a coup for him.
What if his crime is ignoring the parliamentarian and raising wages
Lol, cryptocurrency for the executive branch.
Prosecuting a former President is unprecedented!!!! Well yeah, in 250 years none have been this stupid and venal. And let me tell ya the bar here is not high.
I lost years of my mental life during his presidency. It was just that stupid.
Just an exhausting time. Every damn day you'd wake up and learn what new stupid, evil, pointless dumbassery you had to slog through. Fuck that. Not happening again.
It felt like being in an abusive relationship for four solid years: every day a wild new unpredictable manipulative antic, with non-stop stress. I felt like I was stuck on hyper-vigilant mode the entire time, and yes, it was utterly exhausting.
The fucking Doomscrolling. Every day. Just in case some new thing was going to hit.
Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe. – Frank Zappa
Just absolutely pissed by how bad things keep getting, and they just keep laying the groundwork for it to get worse.
I remember him tweeting out classified images and info on a whim, that was fun 🙃 And nearly starting a war with Iran over some random petty BS
Didn't he also almost start a war with North Korea before he and Kim Jong Un turned to exchanging love notes? 🙄
At one point he even managed to piss off Australia!
Even from an outside perspective, it was a nightmare because there was a new scandal *every day* for the entire term of the Trump presidency. It's hard to remember all the ways in which it was a shitshow.
They weren't prepared to hold office last time. This time they are (Project 2025) and its hard not to think that serious crime isn't baked into the plan.
It was too much. At the time, I encountered more conservatives who knew politics and those who treated it as a sport they began watching. They knew I am liberal. It is disheartening to deal with people who believed they knew the right things. So many just repeated FOX/ talk radio info, not facts
Never have i so earnestly wished for an actual Star Chamber Is FBI under a Federalist stooge truly that bad? Yes, yes it is .
And he will readily do it for a few million
Every day of the Trump administration was a consequential farce.
He probably already did that.
I followed Randy Rainbow for my updates.