
Still not gonna be 2024...
Timeline got pushed back, we saw this last season in Strange New Worlds.
Did they adjust it? Interesting. (Missed that detail. Possibly I was too busy admiring Anson Mount's hair.) :)
Basically, so many time travelers, beneficial and not, have gone after Khan that the Eugenics Wars keep being pushed forward in time as a result.
What we need here is for a blue box to appear, someone to step out of it and yell “UNDER ARTICLE 92 OF THE SHADOW PROCLAMATION THIS IS NOW A FIXED POINT IN TIME”, then step back into the box which vanishes.
Davies waits, waits patiently for that crossover. I need this crossover ONLY to happen with the Lower Decks crew.
Not that one specifically, but definitely introduced the element that exact dates of things are mutable This one until shown otherwise I'm still running with being the shorthand for "The Irish Unification process that was protracted and not attribuable to a single date but started in 2024"
Hmm, okay. But that means a kind of Heisenbergian quality has been added to the unification process. Yet since all of us actually *living* in the island then/now/*in* the process are in the distant past, it's not a *downstream*-in-time problem, is it! —I feel so much better now. :)
I just hope that Data's wrong about it being an example of successful terrorism.
Weird thing, he’s a month older from me and we’re from the same town. It’s entirely possible we met as kids.
It was in the episode with baby Khan, basically the Romulans have been abusing time travel, and by doing so they keep pushing back the events in Star Trek lore. Also yeah, that hair is a modern miracle.
Yeah. Khan’s now a kid in our time rather than the Eugenics wars happening in the 1990s.
Iove that everyone was just ready with this lore lol. Trekkies my beloveds, all of you.
It might be easier to lengthen the year.