
Not arguing with the spirit of the request but it’s just really funny that we’ve been begging people to unsubscribe from the NYT forever for wave after wave of anti-trans articles, cheerleading the genocide of Palestinians etc, but the “don’t vote” opinion article was the dealbreaker
I would cancel my NY Times subscription if it weren't the best place I have found for getting detailed breakdowns of election results.
You can get those without subscribing
i stand by this skeet, steal the shit out of it. it’s, sadly, often the best place to get accurate news, and so much of other reporting is downstream of NYT scoops, a copy of the news. read it, ad block on, or on archive or via guest articles but don’t give them a dime. love Jamelle? sub to his pod.
All this, and the articles they put out about how disabled people should be raped, or even killed in infancy. Those are from years back. (Peter Singer wrote at least one, if you want to look this up.)