
Unmelted cheese on a premade store bought "burger" patty as part of an arrangement on a gas grill that isn't even turned on is the single best representation of US politics I've ever seen.
every time one of these freaks tries to act relatable it only reinforces how out of step with normal people they are
at the risk of defending charles "chuck" schumer, the grill looks like the valves are open. either the grill is on or he's dousing his food with propane.
that is a super-raw burger for the cheese to be on though — it takes at least 4 minutes to cook a burger that way at a minimum and that cheese will melt in a minute.
I am 100% confident that was immediately thrown in the garbage after this photoshoot.
there does appear to be a grill mark under the cheese, but still, no way that burger gets to edible ever without that cheese melting all over the grill. but yeah, same.