
Unmelted cheese on a premade store bought "burger" patty as part of an arrangement on a gas grill that isn't even turned on is the single best representation of US politics I've ever seen.
every time one of these freaks tries to act relatable it only reinforces how out of step with normal people they are
And then there's this horror
I mean, it ain't like he cuts on it.
I just hear my mother's voice yelling at me not to scratch up my glasses because I'm not getting another pair
That's fair. Though honestly I try not to put them face down on the surface....
at the risk of defending charles "chuck" schumer, the grill looks like the valves are open. either the grill is on or he's dousing his food with propane.
Yeah, valves are set open, but the main controller in the middle is off. I'm betting he has a preferred level he keeps it at. But the cheese isn't turning, grates are dry, and there's no smoke.
Again, not to defend ol' Shoomy here, but maybe that's how his favorite made up constituents, the Bailey's, like their burgs. Lightly dusted with propane and cold cheese.
They want to taste the heat (or lack of) and NOT the Meat!?
The middle isn’t a main controller, it’s a separate sear burner. (Grill is a Genesis II E-330 or similar.) You still don’t put cheese on raw meat, but the grill is most likely on.
Ah, noted. I haven't seen that model before. Still no sign of actual cooking, or visible flame with the valves set to 75% open. I lean towards it being warm but off. And the greater point remains.
The cheesed patty has clearly been grilled on that side.
Huh. Yeah. The others look raw (though maybe just haven’t flipped yet?) but that is a grill mark peeking out if you look closely, isn’t it.
No color change in the patty. It's a grease mark.
Flames are visible under the circled patty, which also has a visible grill mark on it.
Not flames, or they'd be visible on both sides since both valve controllers are set the same. Likely a grease mark, not a grill mark, since the color of the meat hasn't changed.
The angle into the grill only makes the flames visible in the section under the circled patty because of the grates and drip plates. The line of orange looks exactly like gas grill flames.
There is flame under the burgers on the right hand burner
The two side valve controllers are at the same position. If one was on, the other would be on. The center master controller is in the closed/off position.
That is not a control knob for the other two. That knob is a control for the "sear station", which is an additional burner between them to create a zone of intense heat.
Yep, saw that in another comment. But the point remains. Two valve controllers set the same. There wouldn't be one little tiny section of open flame.
My middle controller is called a "super Sear" controller and isn't always turned on. You can see flames under the right flavor shield covering the burner.
that is a super-raw burger for the cheese to be on though β€” it takes at least 4 minutes to cook a burger that way at a minimum and that cheese will melt in a minute.
I am 100% confident that was immediately thrown in the garbage after this photoshoot.
there does appear to be a grill mark under the cheese, but still, no way that burger gets to edible ever without that cheese melting all over the grill. but yeah, same.
He literally says in his caption that he’s never grilled in his life
β€œDo you want to see my weeeeeener?”
Holy fuck I just burst out laughing so hard.
Raw burgers and fully-cooked dogs is genius.
I suspect the dogs were cooked, the grill turned off while warm, and then someone suggested adding the patties for the shoot, and then someone else suggested adding a slice of cheese for effect, and then, here we are.
That's not including that a lot of people literally cannot afford what used to be the cheapest meat around.
I dunno dropping a kraft single on a burger patty bought premade from a store probably describes more of the country's ability then you're giving them credit for.
Putting two slices of cheese on a raw burger
This may be the most NYC take on this abomination, but there are several fire codes he’s breaking by having a propane grill that close to his and other structures.
The relevant info in case Chuck decides to follow the law on this one.
the hot dogs are cooked maybe these are those impossible burgers my son made me grill him two and they just stayed gray yeesh
those dogs are cooked more than any/all pieces of legislation that chuck has proposed in 25 years in the senate
Interesting how while the suburban lifestyle is presented as a comfort to strive for by poor people, the really rich people avoid it. Who wouldn't want a nice grill party on their huge, monoculture lawn garden, next to their pool? Anyone who can afford better than that.