Elbow Deep in a Car

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Elbow Deep in a Car


Do not engage with the dragon, for you are crunchy and good with BBQ sauce.

Nonbinary(she/they) nerd, ffxiv player, mechanic to pay the bills. Weird things happen. Sometimes I share them.
What a happy looking GBA family! I'm sure nothing will ever tear them apart.
I'm not buying it. That's all I've got to say.
It's not even 7am yer and it's already 70, and still raining. Gonna be a rough one today
The DOJ is reportedly prepping a rental market collusion lawsuit against software maker RealPage, whose tools are used by landlords to set apartment prices. Read our 2022 investigation into RealPage and its role in America's soaring housing costs: www.propublica.org/article/yiel...
Rent Going Up? One Company’s Algorithm Could Be Why.www.propublica.org Texas-based RealPage’s YieldStar software helps landlords set prices for apartments across the U.S. With rents soaring, critics are concerned that the company’s proprietary algorithm is hurting compet...
Pic: OC Daphnia the fairy princess. Don't steal or whatever. #artistsonbluesky #ocart #originalcharacter
Hit 89°F before I took the Pic, but it's gross. Been microdosing AC while pulling cars in today. The sweat goes nowhere
おはようございます☁️ 昨日はレベル不足で先に進めず...🥹💦 今日は気合い入れてレベリングからのメインクリアだ‼️ #FF14                    #おはララ #ララフェル #GPOSERS #ffxivsnaps
The IRS reported this week they collected $1 BILLION in taxes owed by rich tax cheats thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act funding that provided them the additional staffing to pursue these cases. First up on the GOP agenda for the next administration is gutting the IRS.
billionaire wealth in the US hit 6 trillion today, an all time high, and that’s double what it was before trump-gop passed their tax bill in 2017 that accelerated the rich getting absurdly insanely richer
Useless coworker trying, very poorly, to make fun of Biden clips. "What do vaccines have to do with Hurricanes?!" A lot, if you knew a single thing about how mass evaluations work.
This is where we're at. This is what we've got. It sucks. But it's either the center-right old guy or the fucking fascist old guy. We don't get any other choices, unless anyone here is feeling particularly willing to break a lot of laws.
He’s elderly and he doesn’t express himself as well as he used to, but the dementia/cognitive dysfunction allegations are clearly bullshit
I'm sorry but there is no universe where Velma would demand Shaggy get rid of Scooby. Nor one where he'd willingly do so. Sorry, Mystery Inc, not buying it.
If you're a parent who wants to protect your kids from sexual abuse, teach them : 1- The proper names of their body parts 2- The difference between a secret and a surprise 3- To prioritize their safety over notions of politeness 4- Teach them what a safe adult is - in detail
Ah, FB memories serving up some winners. This is what an itemized $1,330,000 NICU hospital bill looks like (only 96 days to get there). The apple is there for scale. Here’s why I share it. Too many ppl don’t know abt lifetime caps and pre-existing bans. Bc the STILL-VULNERABLE ACA banned them.
Oh, and apparently the apartment we were meant to be moving into will not, in fact, be ready on time. Which now means we either scramble to find another place or be effectively homeless for two-ish weeks. Ah yes, all coming up Milhouse today, I see.
Like, it's been months of having to sit someone else's pets, and the owner hasn't made any progress towards finding another temporary housing for them aside from "an idea". I don't have pets bc I can't afford them from an energy or financial standpoint but kept them on to be nice.
Man I sure love when you try to establish even the slightest plan for something important, and the other end of the important information game decides to be vague and waffle on a response with something(anything) concrete. I don't need this stress on top of the stress of trying to orchestrate a move
Remember this is the guy that wants to be president, again. Lock up your daughter's folks
Weird schedule the past week, this week and next week. The shop will be imploding in on itself by the time everyone else's scheduled vacations roll through, just in time for my vacation, where I can cackle madly from my couch, and give zero fucks after all the bs this year so far
If you read just one book this month, that's awesome because reading isn't a contest.
A comic about disability and drugs in America for #disabilitypridemonth
Time for an economics lesson.
I should start using this, twitter gets worse to be on every day. Anyway I’ve been doodling and colored this cute dragon girl
On a whim, I started doing some database searches for the unusual phrase "Christ-hating Communists" and you'll never believe where it turned up.
The official 2024 GOP platform makes a reference to "Christian-hating Communists" who the Republicans will keep from entering the country. Back in the early days of the America First movement, "Christian-hating Communists" would have just been a longer way of saying "Jews."
If you steal $1000, you can be sent to prison. When health insurance companies steal $50,000,000,000, they get tax breaks, subsidies and government contracts, while the people they steal from die or go into debt. But keep blaming immigrants and poor people for rising crime.
dw i'm on top of things...oh