
Sausage-maker, father of two, last guardian of the English subjunctive.
Lance Menthe
Lance Menthe
physicist, military analyst, author, lover of strange music, boardgame and D&D enthusiast, unwitting pawn of the reverse vampire illuminati (he/him) 🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈
Law Dork
Law Dork
The home for Chris Geidner’s legal newsletter, covering SCOTUS, as well as LGBTQ, criminal justice, post-Roe, and more legal news. Subscribe today:
Chris Geidner
Chris Geidner
💻 for SCOTUS, LGBTQ, criminal justice, and other legal news. / DMs open. / Email: [email protected] / Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. / He/him.
David Roberts
David Roberts
I run a newsletter/podcast called Volts about clean energy & politics. Subscribe & join the community at!
The Scamperbeasts
The Scamperbeasts
Sugar, Spice and Smudge, and occasionally guest animals and humans.
Nicholas Scott Baker
Nicholas Scott Baker
Cultural historian of Renaissance Italy; latest book: In Fortune's Theater: Financial Risk and the Future in Renaissance Italy; Australian football tragic
Jacob T. Levy
Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill.
Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
Discontinued Foods!
Discontinued Foods!
Your home for all those culinary delights, anomalies, and misfires that live on only in our memories...You may know me from Twitter, trying things out here now, too!
David Ho
David Ho
Climate scientist; ocean carbon cycle and climate solutions. Founder, Bamboo Bike Project; Co-founder and Chief Science Officer, [C]Worthy; Professor, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
This is NPR 🎙️
Rebecca Schoenkopf
Rebecca Schoenkopf
It's a me! Rebecca!
We turn Art into Sports (and vice versa) | NO AI USED | “Everything I didn't know I needed" - follower testimonial | See inspiration? DM/tag us
Paul Cohen
Paul Cohen
Historian of France, the Atlantic world, language, food. Squirrelly cyclist, slowfooted defenseman, working dad. Worried about the 21st century.
Giacomo Parrinello
Giacomo Parrinello
Historian of humans and the natural world at the end of the Holocene. Associate Prof. at Sciences Po. Writer: Fault Lines (Berghahn 2015) & forthcoming book on the Po watershed. All things rivers, #envhist news, and occasional adventures in daily life.
Tim Onion
Tim Onion
American businessman.
Tim Soens
Tim Soens
Environmental History UAntwerp Belgium. Looks at Climate Extremes in the past. Inequality matters.
Jennifer Yuen
Jennifer Yuen
Physics, astronomy, math, computer nerd plus photography (mostly of animals)
Kris Inwood
Kris Inwood
Economic historian @UoGuelph w broad social science & historical interests: population health, First Nations demography, mobility, inequality & lives of the incarcerated. 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Editing Social Science History & Asia-Pacific Econ History
Tom Sugrue
Tom Sugrue
Historian, urbanist, scholar of public policy, race, and inequality. Silver Professor, NYU. Dad, stepdad, dog dad. Native Detroiter, longtime Philadelphian, honorary Chicagoan, gringo Carioca, wannabe Parisian, and second-time New Yorker.
Karl Steel
Karl Steel
Brooklyn College / Grad Center Medievalist. Posthumanism. How to Make a Human (Ohio State UP 2011); How Not to Make a Human (Minnesota UP 2019). Currently working on The Irrational Animal.
UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies. Experts in history and philosophy of science, sociology and politics of science. In love with learning.
Jessica Minieri
Jessica Minieri
PhD candidate at Binghamton University • Editor H-Sicily • Studying the interconnected histories of gender, imprisonment, and political expansion in the medieval Mediterranean and the lands of the Crown of Aragon • she/her
Monica Vasile 🐾
Monica Vasile 🐾
Environmental historian working on wildlife conservation, extinction &political ecology of forests; Przewalski's horses, takahe rails and Vancouver Island marmots. @Maastricht Uni. Writing 2nd PhD.
Currently @Uni Oulu, fellow BiodiverseAnthropocenes
Larry Cebula
Larry Cebula
Public historian, bicyclist, noted bon vivant.
Chris Slaby
Chris Slaby
Scholar, teacher, writer, earth human person (he/him/his). Art + history: Native American and Indigenous Studies; the environmental humanities; etc. Food and music, too, though those are more passions than subjects of study.
Tina Adcock
Tina Adcock
Cultural and environmental historian of Canada and the Arctic. Co-editor of *Made Modern: Science and Technology in Canadian History* (2018). Author of *A Thoroughly Modern Enterprise: Exploration and Northern Canada,* forthcoming 2025
Warwick Anderson
Warwick Anderson
Critical histories of science and medicine, science studies, postcolonial endeavours. New book on modern excrementalities: Spectacles of Waste (Polity). Writing mostly on disease ecologies and planetary health now. Living on Wangal country.
undisciplined academic, all things South East Asian, my eyes are bigger than my stomach
Karsten Uhl
Karsten Uhl
Historiker. Dokumentation und Forschung KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme. Privatdozent Universität Göttingen.
Author of: Technology in Modern German History: 1800 to the Present (Bloomsbury, 2022).
David Chan Smith
David Chan Smith
Historian of business and law. Writing on markets and morality, early modern smuggling, corruption, and the history of social purpose businesses. Researching AI and the humanities. Sailing in my free time. Check out
Paola Bertucci
Paola Bertucci
Historian of science, medicine, technology, and material culture at Yale. Early modern addict.
Newest book:
Mike W
Mike W
Bikes, neuro, EE, US Civil War, constantly tempted to make annoying music again, TTRPGs. He/ him, punch/ Nazis. No TERFs. Optimism hobbyist. Semper fastidio, non miror
Stella Ghervas
Stella Ghervas
Eugen Weber Chair in European History at @UCLA. Author of CONQUERING PEACE, by @Harvard_Press (2021), 2023 Laura Shannon Prize for the best book in European studies. Lover of peace and chocolate.
Tassanee / HistoryChroniq
Tassanee / HistoryChroniq
Artist & PhD candidate / Early modern history / History of sciences | it’s all about Roots 🌱Plants 🌿 Books | Compte perso / Lisières Webzine
Joshua Rushton
Joshua Rushton
Historian of early modern Catholicism | Visiting Research Fellow at Uni of Leeds |
Michael König
Michael König
Historian/Archaeologist; #museum & #SocialMedia - team leader @unesco Roman Monuments Augusta Treverorum

formerly: DASA Arbeitswelt Ausstellung Dortmund - Museum Karl Marx Haus Trier
Stefan Bauer
Stefan Bauer
Lecturer in History at KCL, Research Integrity at KCL Faculty of Arts & Humanities. Author 'The Invention of Papal History' (Oxford UP): Interested in fakes and forgeries
Cranthemius Gilderthorpe (he/him/his)
Cranthemius Gilderthorpe (he/him/his)
Enjoyer of fine profanity. Did not get more conservative as he got older.
Jonathan Robins
Jonathan Robins
Historian of commodities, environments, and colonialism. Author of Oil Palm: a Global History. Currently into kapok and other unusual fibers, fungi, northern forests, aluminum, and landfills
Chris Blakley (they/them/theirs)
Chris Blakley (they/them/theirs)
Historian in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Tulare counties. Author of Empire of Brutality (LSU Press, 2023). Views my own
Ben Gross
Ben Gross
VP for Research & Scholarship, Linda Hall Library; Author of The TVs of Tomorrow-How RCA's Flat-Screen Dreams Led to the First LCDs (Chicago 2018). Posting in a personal capacity.
Fabrizio Baldassarri
Fabrizio Baldassarri
Postdoc HPS - early modern natural philosophy (Descartes), sciences and medicine, and plant philosophy🌱💭/plant studies🌿🔬/ former MSCA Ca' Foscari/Indiana U Bloomington / Current University of Milan - Seminar EM Plant Knowledge #VegSciLif #plantstudies
History Clippings
History Clippings
Clippings found during my historical research. Showcasing the awesome primary material from around the web.

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Check out my 📖 on tea-smuggling gangsters:
Manipulating Flora
Manipulating Flora
Research group working on 🌿plants🌴 in early modern natural philosophy - Studies of🌾Plant Physiology, Envinroment, Medicine, Anatomy and Society
Anne Goldgar
Anne Goldgar
Early modern historian at USC. Cultural history, Netherlands, tulipmania, arctic, art, history of science, history of the book, etc. Opinions expressed are my own.
Sarah-Maria Schober
Sarah-Maria Schober
early modern historian, following civet cats and other species - humans included - through time and space, animal resources, racialization of hair, multispecies history / postdoctoral researcher and lecturer, University of Zurich
Tina Asmussen
Tina Asmussen
historian of early modern science and culture | past, present and future of publishing
Laura Foster
Laura Foster
I teach art and architectural history at John Cabot University, Rome. Early modern institutional architecture and urbanism. Opinions here are my own.
Celeste McNamara
Celeste McNamara
Historian and asst. prof. @ Dublin City University. Author of The Bishop’s Burden (Catholic UP). Current work: