Karl Appuhn

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Karl Appuhn


Historian of Renaissance Italian trees, critters, medical practitioners, and assorted other stuff. Californian in exile. Veteran. Semi-pro Curmudgeon.
I'm sure all the people who have been insisting that Harris is unqualified to be VP will be equally critical of the guy whose entire experience in national politics consists of 18 months in the Senate. Right?
So Vance is bringing his head to the operation, I see.
This is ... quite the analogy
Wouldn't that make Tiger Mom the devil? I'll buy that.
That seems to be their new business model, yes.
Generically handsome governor of a large state. AKA the guy who is leading the polls six months before the first primary and has dropped out before the South Carolina primary.
Don’t bring a gold bar to a fight where you need a Cannon.
But I was assured that the era of private space flight was going to be great.
Fab #sciam story on space junk and what to do if it falls on your land. "SpaceX has provisional permission..to launch.. 42,000 Starlink satellites. Assuming each one.. lasts 5 years.. SpaceX will be [de-orbiting] burning up ~1 satellite per hour."😮 🔭🛰️🧪 📖: www.scientificamerican.com/article/spac...
This story is everything that's wrong with Vance. I have no doubt that he encountered snotty rich kids who looked down on him at Yale. But the story is patently made up. He made his career trafficking in the very stereotypes about rural rubes that he pretended to hate.
He went to Ohio State, not some bible college in a town nobody ever heard of. Of course he knew what fucking sparkling water was.
Seems like he has a premature allocation issue.
No, but she's 100% convinced that he's going to put her on the supreme court.
Reposted byAvatar Karl Appuhn
“Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic.“ #giftarticle
The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictatorwww.theatlantic.com Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.
This is truly insane. And of course when he does the exact opposite, as he so obviously will, Axios and the rest will pretend that they never said any of this.
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
Today is the day that Donald Trump finally became presidential?
Originally I had: E ridaje! Mo vedi che je faccio un culo cosi a sto coglione.
The fact that she's from Rome meant I had so many vulgar Romanisms queued up. Many were too vulgar or too in dialect.
Oh, ma te vuoi star zitto, che te mollo du' ceffoni.
Okay, but were the sharks carrying an Oxford Short Guide? That would be scary.
Parts of Rockaway Beach in Queens have been closed after NYPD drones spotted sharks in the water. NYPD deputy commissioner Kaz Daughtry later changed "jaws" to "a shark" in this tweet (there have since been two more sightings)(h/t Jake Offenhartz, AP)
Are you saying FILTHY LUNATICS lacks rhetorical flair?
Alien still stands alone. But 3 is the only sequel that comes close. Aliens is a fun war movie, but the Aliens are entirely incidental. It would have worked with pretty much any monster, and therefore it doesn't stand up to 1 or 3.
When Aliens was released I was in 1/75th Ranger Bat, and for at least the next two years we would yell quotes from the movie. Someone would inevitably scream "we're on an express elevator to hell" when the doors opened for a jump. Like I said, fun war movie.
If we're going to erase the memory of any Alien movies, then let's, for the love of all things holy, forget 4 and the prequels.
Reposted byAvatar Karl Appuhn
I often think back to that iconic moment in the 2008 when McCain pushed back against the woman in the audience who said she thought Obama was a Muslim terrorist. At the time folks were like "what a decent Republican McCain is," rather than, "oh shit, people like McCain have totally lost the base."
When your carbs need more carbs,
That might break every AITA record out there.
The paint colour in the kitchen, on the other hand.
That mural is a total keeper.