Aviel Roshwald

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Aviel Roshwald


Professor of history at Georgetown University

Latest book—Occupied: European and Asian Responses to Axis Conquest, 1937-1945 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2023)
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BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
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Sliced bread first went on sale 96 years ago today and — here’s the fun bit — was promoted as being the greatest thing since WRAPPED bread.
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How I wish that Americans would learn something from the French with regards to how you hold your nose and keep fascism at bay, even if it means that your ideal (imaginary) candidate doesn’t win and you don’t get every progressive item on your agenda. But I guess it can’t happen here.
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JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
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JUST IN: Iranian warship Sahand capsizes in Bandar Abbas - ISNA
Israeli news reports that Yoni Netanyahu’s comrades paid their graveside respects to the fallen Entebbe-hostage-rescue hero a day before the anniversary of his death so as to avoid appearing alongside Bibi, whom they accuse of putting his own interests ahead of those of Israeli hostages in Gaza.
I’m beginning to suspect that compulsively checking my phone may have no influence on events.
Hey! Historians of American higher ed.: got any use for a visiting graduate student's notes for classes in American history taught at Harvard in 1949-50? I'm going through my mother's papers; she took courses from Schlesinger, Morrison, Albion & others. Took detailed lecture notes. Of interest?
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The much-heralded George Stephanopoulos interview will do nothing for Biden unless he succeeds in delivering a steady stream of Churchillian barbs while simultaneously juggling flaming torches.
It’s too bad our country still hasn’t graduated from electoral college.
UK’s five-minute transition period goes by without Tory effort to reverse election results.
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I have been a staunch Biden supporter and consider him to have been the most effective president since FDR, but under these circumstances, the faster he gracefully hands the reins over to Kamala Harris the better.
Every day Biden remains in denial is another day lost for the Harris campaign.
Trump identifies ideal running-mate:
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I know it would be hard to travel with, but considering investing in one of those big hooks to pull people off stage when they go too long at conferences
Happy July 4th to all who celebrate our transition from a constitutional monarchy to (checks notes) a divine-right presidency.
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H-Diplo Roundtable XXV-17 on Aviel Roshwald, Occupied: European and Asian Responses to Axis Conquest, 1937–1945. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023) is available here: hdiplo.org/to/RT25-17
Breaking clarification: Right-wing justices have been originating contempt for the constitution, not embracing some far-fetched interpretive principle of “original intent.” “We’re glad we were able to get to the bottom of this unfortunate misunderstanding,” said one of the justices.
Happy July 4th to all who celebrate our transition from a constitutional monarchy to (checks notes) a polity whose executive is above the law.
Am really appreciating this book as I read through parts of it. 🗃️
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Just a reminder that this, too, is still going on.
BREAKING: Assad's forces and Russia bombard the vicinity of the village of Kansafra in the Idlib countryside, Syria, with cluster bombs.
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I remain appalled that higher ed has largely embraced AI, or at best not taken much of a stance. The public university where I teach held a huge IT conference (with industry peeps) in the last academic year where essentially every panel was devoted to how to use AI in our classes. I did not... 🗃️
So. Google just released an internal paper about the epistemic, ethical, and sociopolitical threats of generative "AI," and golly gee whiz if that doesn't sure as shit sound familiar. 🤔🧐😒🙄 www.404media.co/google-ai-po...
Google: AI Potentially Breaking Reality Is a Feature Not a Bugwww.404media.co “While these uses of GenAI are often neither overtly malicious nor explicitly violate these tools’ content policies or terms of services, their potential for harm is significant.”
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I am v excited that First World War Studies has published this excellent article on Eritrea #fwwhist - also of interest to Italianists perspectives like this on the Horn of Africa can really enrich how we think about what a global history of war actually means www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10....
The Difficult Years: Eritrea and the Impact of the Great War (1914–1922)www.tandfonline.com This article investigates the economic and social situation of Eritrea from 1914 to 1922. Despite its distance from the battlefields, the impact that the Great War had on the country was significan...
Is anybody I know familiar with the archival collection of Bernard Brodies papers at UCLA?