Adrian Tchaikovsky

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Adrian Tchaikovsky

Author: Children of Time, Shadows of the Apt, Final Architecture, City of Last Chances and others.
I mean if any prime minister could be a fever dream brought on by eating off cheese then…
We're delighted to announce — with help from Electric Literature — the shortlist for the 2024 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction. Congratulations to the authors! The recipient of this year's prize will be announced on Ursula's birthday, October 21st.
Okay I think I have *finally* managed to get a stable solution for my newsletter? At last? Anyway I'm writing an update as a test message and if you would like to join my newsletter, here is the link: (alt text for img: a photo of my books. Even Though I Knew The End is open to page 58-59.)
Would you like Intermittent and Irregular Letters from C. L. Polk Delivered to Your Inbox? C. L. POLK NEWSLETTER I HAVE WORKED MY BUTT OFF MAKING THIS NEWSLETTER STABLE SO I CAN WRITE TO YOU. Hello, Friend! Here's where you can join my email list and get letters from me where I apologize ...
It’s only Charlemagne if it comes from the Charlemagne region, otherwise it’s just sparkling emperor.
That seems an extreme ‘do you know who I am?’ flex.
The Best of British SF/F Storybundle is live! 10 titles for just $20! Ft. Solaris' own Aliya Whiteley &, & inc. fabulous writers like Neal Asher,, & more! With donations to! Pls RT!
Reflected light may attract flies! Or else she’s keeping you safe from alt universe bugs that may emerge from the mirror.
Welcome to Stars and Sabers Publishing! We are led by as Editor-in-Chief and as Managing Editor. We can't wait to share more with you; our website launches on Friday, as does our cover reveal for our cross-genre anthology. Ad Astra per Fabulas!
The stars are aligning…and the countdown to Friday is on! Be sure to follow all our social links:
I mean YNMV (your nightmares may vary)
There was one a while back with 5xFollow Up which worked well, but I suspect that’s a rarity for that character.
I think it’s extremely tough as Watcher - there are so few solid rare cards and the stance mechanic makes you very vulnerable if you lack the regular starters.
Similarly giving you the Wrath card with no Calm in a multicolour starter deck is frankly a dick move :)
Is this what Moon Plato meant?
Fascinating to discover multiple panaches work on the same counter so you get all the stacked damage on the 6th card even if 5 were Panache :)
I had a couple of amazing specialised runs. 5xPanache was fascinating to play with. 5xCatalyst took me several goes to get right, esp w/ no poison cards until after boss 1! But glorious when it finally kicked off.
I dunno, got to love a big slug boi.
I felt bad for bullying the poor creature.
I could not quite get my head around it. Every damn streamer was playing it a while back.
50 random usually includes a good mix of common blocks and attacks, true. I try to just grab powers and other long term benefits from there. Same for the one that constantly gives you new random cards in your draw pile.
‘Life on (planet) had its own ideas, and most of those ideas had too many legs.’ Me up to my nonsense again.
Ouch. I got stomped by the 2nd boss so you did better than me.
This is the last week of Hugo Award voting and we would like you to consider Strange Horizons for Best Semiprozine. For over 20 years, Strange Horizons has been publishing weekly issues filled with new stories, poems and non-fiction. Here are some more reasons you should vote for us below!
Slay the Spire post. Always amused me what daily mods are considered +ve or -ve. Shiny is supposedly a good one, starts you off with one of every rare card, and is usually a death sentence because rare cards are usually quite specialised and situationa, whereas…
Cursed (you get cursed every time you open a chest but you also get all the relics that feed off curses) is ‘bad’ but usually turns you into an unstoppable monster.
Do I get a prize if I can personally manage all of them just on my own?