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Stinky dog in SF. Insta is Pokeslut69
Biden should still be giving out free ones. One of the few good pieces of policy he had, and he ended the program
You’re totally right. The last time SC was blue was 1976, and anyone who’s being realistic knows 2024 isn’t the year it’ll swing left. Your presidential vote literally does not matter. If anyone gets mad at you for voting third party or not at all, they’re idealistically ignoring reality
Though that being said, still do please vote for local positions and policies. Those are the ones that can really affect you and your neighbors, and also often times the strongest progressives come from the most conservative areas
Cutwater doesn’t fuck around either
Yeah, I get why. Depending on what state you live in, your presidential vote might LITERALLY not matter (but democracy totally isn’t dead right). If I can encourage you to do one thing though, find out who your local candidates are and vote for them. Your city policy matters a lot more than federal
If you don’t have the patience to meet people where they’re at and understand where they’re coming from, then you don’t actually care about voting, just feeling self righteous. If you’re demanding people suck up their pride and vote for Biden, then at least suck up your pride and listen to them
Haha unironically, think how often people say “yeah” during sex. All roleplay is is adding on top of that
Most of it’s just playing pretend. Get good at acting and you’ll be the sex god of your dreams
I think at some point in the future yeah. I wanna play Animal Well and Disco Elysium first
I just played it for the first time, what a strong ending
Both animals seem the type to swear you to secrecy so they can scheme in the shadows
They’re a lot of animals in the world, number three is pretty high up there, so the attention makes sense
Why did Andrew Lloyd Weber have such a hate boner for Eva Perón
Also hate how tik tok and twitter dilute the meaning of actually serious words like this. Grooming is something specifically done to children, it’s not just a synonym for manipulation or abusive power dynamics.
If you mean like how the fans have suddenly turned on it, I think cuz the first few seasons were parodying early 2000s politics which they were too young for and now that it’s more recognizably modern they’re starting to see themselves reflected
People are saying “at this stage” but what stage are we really at? Biden has done zero campaigning, he went on one debate which made even hardcore Dems question his viability, and most Dems don’t even read the name next to the party anyway 🤷‍♂️ Like I’m not sure what progress the Dems would be losing
Sometimes. In the bear community, chaser has been a generally positive term for decades, it just means someone’s who’s not a bear but is into bears. In other cases I’ve usually seen it as a label being applied to people, though i dunno maybe some people self ID that way?
Generally, someone who has a fetish for some aspect of someone (commonly either being 1. fat, 2. black, 3. trans) to the point where they don’t see you as a person, they just see you as that trait. Usually negative when race chasing or trans chasing, can be either connotation with chubby chasers
If you’re into the party scene, best to start finding tickets now before things start selling out or getting their prices jacked. Follow @gayagendasf on insta, they might be listing dore parties by now I’m not sure
If that’s not what you’re looking for, check out the exploratorium on Thursday night if you’re getting in by then. Do the Mr S beer garden, it’s a more lowkey vibe. Dolores Park will be filled with gays (go to the uppermost area on the corner of church and 20th)
Does just as much to change their minds too
Which finger is to be blamed when you’ve been shot? The index for pulling the trigger, or the thumb for releasing the safety? “They could’ve done better” no, they played an active role to get where we are now. This wasn’t missed opportunities, this was purposefully placing ego over strategy.
People were asking RGB to step down years before she died. Clinton refused to step down as candidate despite the fact she was losing against Trump in early polling, even though part of her election strategy had been to artificially inflate Trump’s legitimacy to ensure he was her opponent
Like this isn’t contortion, it’s just facts babe
I think the democrats are gonna continue with their current strategy for as long as that earns them votes