
Archimedes Setting Roman Ships of Consul Marcellus on Fire with a Burning Mirror, by Cherubino Cornienti, 1855, 📸 @freshmanwkxc
You know, maybe a guy running across the field doesn’t actually need to be responded to with physical violence.
But how else will the cop feel like a big tough man
Yes they do. Stay your ass in the stands.
Hi there, go fuck yourself. Wanting people to stay in the stands doesn’t mean violence is the appropriate response. People shouldn’t jaywalk. Should they be shot in the face for jaywalking? Obviously extremely no. Act like a person.
Yall acting like you want anarchy then you get mad when people speak their opinions against you, when you caused the anarchy to begin in the first place, it’s like saying you want to get rid of the people who literally are protecting you and yours rights from people who don’t think you’re a human
it was a man walking on a sporting field my guy, maybe gear down a little
Russian and Israeli flags and runes in the DN, there’s zero chance this guy is physically capable of being chill or reasonable 😅
Not everyone is fast enough to go tackle them lol using a taser isn’t going to kill them or give a life threatening or long term injury, not even a short term one either
or you could just walk calmly at them and make them leave without a taser. unless they bring violence, don't create violence.
Bros acting like they aren’t gonna run away 💀 they were already running across the field because they knew they weren’t allowed on it lol
He already kicked the cop when he did a back flip. And how are they going to just walk to someone running around. What happen to Monica Seles could happen to any player out there.
Act like a person. Yes act like a person and stay your ass in the stands. Players are at so much risk when someone does that. Cheer be happy do whatever but don't cross that line. Players are human too and should be protected.
Nope! I didn’t say it was fine to leave the stands. I said this was an inappropriate response to it. Are you genuinely too stupid to understand that? Your brain is so dysfunctional that you can’t understand the concept of “too much”? I guess you can’t handle acting like a person.
You keep saying "act like a person" when you keep defending people doing horrible and dangerous things. So how would you suggest you stop someone like that ask them nicely...well they did that .
Any equivalent for the backflip he did?
So we're clear from this that the cop didn't get the taser out in response to the backflip, which, I suppose, someone, somewhere could consider threatening. He pulled the taser the moment the guy entered the field. ACAB
I was at this game and seeing it all happen in person was wild like why tase someone? it's baseball it is not that serious
“Why?” was my first thought as well. Seems like overkill. I mean, what’s she going to do? Kiss a player?
It's the socks that make it art
had he been black that wouldn't have been just a tazer... 😞
Zidane kicking ass in his new career.
Look at that form, the intense look of rage. D1 Bastard right here folks. He made the big leagues.