Asher Wolf

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Asher Wolf

Babuskha. Social work post grad, therapeutic cybernetics and social change
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I want to believe, but I don’t see the nostalgic comparison between now and the early web. Things are may be getting a little weirder, but the web is far more commercialized than it was then. Power shifts don’t mean redistribution, but new monopolists displacing the old.
The Internet Is About to Get Weird The internet seems ripe for change, and millions of people seem poised to connect in new ways, as they reconsider their relationship to technology.
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Cutting funding to provide housing for the homeless, criminalizing homelessness, and making it easier to kill homeless people is . . . a pretty stark articulation of your priorities.
Louisville-area Republican state lawmakers plan to sponsor legislation this session that would ban street camping, add unlawful camping to Kentucky’s “stand your ground” law and cut funding for Housing First initiatives: #kyga24
Proposed anti-crime bill makes street camping illegal in State lawmakers are considering legislation that would ban street camping and end funding for certain programs that provide permanent housing.
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"You... bought a Twitter?" "I didn't--IT'S NOT A TWITTER." "I mean... it's kind of Twitter." "IT'S A WHOLE NEW THING. And we'll make it INVITE ONLY. Then, when Venture tries to apply, we will TURN HIM AWAY, CRUSHING HIS EGO." "That's it? Honey I love you, but this seems--" "ITS MY MASTER PLAN."
It’s 2024. Reply guys refuse to quit
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When the enormity of the world's horrors makes you feel helpless, narrow your focus. Find one stranger and scold them for posting a recipe while kids are dying. Call out a new mom for not adding alt text to a baby photo. Critique a selfie. Correct a joke. Show people you care more than them.
Got a job interview for Thursday. Yay! It’s at the perfect kind of job for me (sitting all day long)
I need to do my bedtime routine and crash cos I have work in the morning
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Beardless poet Allen Ginsberg and photographer Robert Frank, 1981. Photo by Brian Graham.
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🌱Colourful foliage, Cairns Botanic Garden 2008
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the painting on the left is incredible, but unfortunately has deteriorated over time. thankfully, with the power of modern AI, we can recreate what this amazing work of art once looked like in full
Went for another job interview. “What’s your availability?” I think I have the role. It’s a job as a support worker for people with disabilities working in a cafe
The kinds of employers who are ok with these practices aren’t where I want to work anyway
Your boss sounds bad – but maybe keep these deets offline. Prospective employers may be put off. Best wishes and good luck – you're in a nearly impossible job now.
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Sad that so many comments on this are "kill it" instead of "wow, that's cool". Folks wouldn't say that if it was a nest of baby birds. We build nests so we can watch this sort of thing happen, it's really fascinating to watch them grow up.
Ms. Wasp and her spider She has been busy making spider zombies to feed her babies.
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It's how they do it, that's why people burn out of the industry, and why the jobs remain understaffed. There's no good faith effort by management to employ people in the correct roles or pay people what their skills and education level are worth.
And my pay checks still say I’m employed in the clinical services team. But yeah, they always have me out on the road in rural Australia because the personal care team is horribly understaffed
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I have $10 in my savings account right now but if I didn't I'd offer to support you for a few weeks so you can get out of there.
Also no one said anything about working nights and weekends when I took the role. Or that I’d be driving 500km a day in rural areas
I feel less upset about needing to leave this job knowing I got told I’d be working in social support under the clinical services team and they’ve been constantly using me to plug gaps in their personal care shifts despite knowing I have a physical disability
GP appointment. Doctor: “I think taking time off work for a job interview is a medical procedure to stop you developing trauma at this stage. Here’s a sick note.”
I have a job I want to leave but I also don’t want to be without a job. I have a job interview I can’t go to unless I call in sick or quit my current job. My insides feel mashed about this
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i was always laughing about that bit in ender's game where the teenage brother gets to become dictator by being too good at the internet but i guess that was all kind of prescient after all. it seemed real stupid in the blogosphere years but now in the 2024 internet, yeah why not
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Fun fact: Y2K wasnt even fully mitigated. Flights were cancelled, ATMs and ticket machines failed, payment systems had billing issues, hospital MRIs stopped working, and even the Shika Nuclear Power Plant radiation monitor failed. It wasn't a made up problem.
Y2K is a great example of anticipating a problem and working hard to address it far enough in advance that it wasn't a problem. Do that right, and some will say it was never a problem, and we freaked out for nothing. Nope. It wasn't a problem *because* we freaked out. But in a way, that's the goal.
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it’s such a relief to have Elon in charge of comms as we enter the pyrocene polycrisis
Elon Musk in his infinite wisdom has expressed absolutely zero interest in supporting disaster messaging on his platform: his priorities very much lie with whining about woke people, not trying to save lives.
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Welcome to the public domain, STEAMBOAT WILLIE (1928)!
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If you are in Japan, in a hotel and want to know what's going on with earthquake and tsunami - switch on channel 1 (NHK) and try to find the button saying 音声 or 音声切替 to listen to simultaneous English interpretation.
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Lol. Twitter has rate limited the Japanese NERV disaster alert account because they've been posting so many updates. Their last tweet was telling people to download their app to get further updates. Good work elen. #Japan #Earthquake #2024