Anil Dash

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Anil Dash

that guy from the internet • waging a victorious 2-front war against cars and xmas • big fan of being a big fan of things
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These reporters don’t get it. There won’t be jail cells or courts. There will be concentration camps and cargo planes. They would use trains but they want to deport to places too far away. When the deportation scheme falls apart, they will stop feeding the prisoners. Then they build death camps.
These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
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One element that I don't think most people understand yet is how decentralized Trump 2.0 is going to be. They're going to fire 50,000 government workers and install the most unhinged Trump-loving assholes they can find. Each one will be a mini-dictator who can harass every perceived enemy.
Can hardly wait for Times writers to learn that freedom of the press will only be for certain definitions of the word “press”.
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Everyone knows the Donny Trump “nevertheless” tweet but I think this one is just as prescient.
These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
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I regret to inform you that I listened to part of Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz's explanation for supporting Trump and it's even stupider than I expected. Debating if I'll listen to the rest of it.
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If the Sean be Fain hop on the train If the Sean be O'Brien Oh buddy....dyin.
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Did you know Prime Day was literally created by a corporation to sell more stuff
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Trump/Vance and Project 2025 are eminently beatable (and will be beaten down-ballot in a lot of places). Beating it nationally requires 1) an active campaign that can define what it will stop, and 2) what future it promises in place of all the violence the right is running on.
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[every “wait what” gif here]
Maybe THIS will be the dumbest thing I read today: Florida’s education commissioner announced Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice as a book of the month to “highlight the importance of American pride.” Can’t make this stuff up. H/t
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These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
NYT's immigration beat reporter examined Trump's plan for mass deporation thru the lens that policies and rules and courts matter The people she interviewed are in that same bubble They don't Trump and Miller aren't going to follow laws. They intend to wreak havoc and expect no one to stop them
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One of the reasons most folks struggle here to conceptualize it is that immigration courts are part of the executive branch, not the judicial branch. Which means virtually everyone's basic conception of what this system actually *is* is just wrong.
These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
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teamsters twitter account briefly spoke the truth then deleted it
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Bernie's case for Biden in the Chotiner piece is simple, and I suspect honest. "He's good on policy, we'll figure out a way to drag him to re-election, and if he has to quit in 2026 or 2027, so be it." It's not an argument I find compelling, but it's straightforward. No 3-D chess here.
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This is why I remain optimistic as mediocre, unremarkable tech dudes go on full attack against inclusion…the folx who understand that they can get NOWHERE without inclusion are doing what needs to be done and most are doing that work outside of social media posts and blogs
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lol the owner of juniors cheesecakes is thinking about running for nyc mayor as a republican my "where was he on jan 6" instincts remain unmatched
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It was 10 years ago today that the NYP murdered Eric Garner as he cried out "I Can't Breathe" and nothing has changed.
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The problem with "where have you been" responses to people's rising political concerns is that we should be encouraging people to become politically active rather than scolding them upon their arrival.
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Maybe a class action law suit will give me another three years of credit monitoring service to add to the five years I got from the last three data breaches.
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This popular gun YouTuber posted a very convincing and sympathetic video explaining why he's so upset that Trump's would-be assassin was wearing one of his t-shirts. But it seems he also quietly just removed this hat from his online merch store. (h/t Reddit)
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“Senator Ted Cruz sounded disturbingly similar to the white nationalist mass murderer who carried out a targeted attack in his home state just five years ago. In one ugly speech, Senator Cruz depicted migrants as literal ‘invaders,’” said ⬇️
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It's saying you think they are precisely the right age.
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According to the article, he hates Google because he thinks it has a liberal bias. I guess that’s enough to get the label “anti- big tech,” despite the fact that he’s got the backing of several SV shitbirds. 🙄
J.D. Vance is anti-Big Tech, The Silicon Valley darling wants to regulate Google and deregulate crypto.
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We're this far into this and reporters *still* haven't figured out that the lies people like Vance tell to justify their attacks on anyone they deem insufficiently MAGA are not sincere.
what the fuck is this dogshit
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I lived in an un-airconditioned dorm on 5th Ave one summer in college and it was the fucking pits. Nobody should have to "make do" in this climate (change), on top of how gross it is to suggest that "every day New Yorkers" and migrants in shelters are different classes of people.
Mayor Eric Adams, asked by a reporter about the lack of air conditioning at migrant shelters during a heat wave, says, "Every day New Yorkers don't have air conditioners. We make do." He recommends paper fans and says his mom told him to put his head in the refrigerator. —Emma G. Fitzsimmons, NYT
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I am top-posting an edited collection of posts that I have made over the last hour to explain why I am deleting the Bluesky application from my phone for at least the next 48 hours. I may be back. I may not. I haven't decided.
I mean *technically* every assassination attempt is a way of saying you think that person is too old.
The NYT wants to cover inter-party squabbles ahead of this election, without mentioning that one party’s members tried to murder both its current presidential candidate and its last vice presidential candidate. Only way they’d mention it is if the sniper’s motivation was Trump’s age.