Hazel is still disabled in a pandemic

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Hazel is still disabled in a pandemic


Urban hermit, queer crip, knitter, tech ghost, AuDHD, parent, gay married, any pronouns.
Previously @phazelic on Twitter.
The nurses who I was paranoid would call child services on us for being queer? Guess what they’ve done. I’m going to have to keep proving to every government employee one by one that I’m not a danger to my child for the rest of my life. Because some nurses hate queers.
The greatest accomplishment of my life is and will always be that I managed to marry someone who doesn’t also work in tech. Nothing else I do can ever compete.
Flashbacks to the first date I went on when I was living with the Bay Area where he sent me a lengthy feedback survey via google forms after. It wasn't even personalized because there were questions related to his sexual performance and, reader, we did not.
Me yelling over club music: Sorry I don't know what a "Chappell Roan" is. My wife and I just had a baby.
I've said it before: If my company could make unlimited free energy, what the fuck would I need AI for?
"Acceptance of constant reinfections relies heavily on the perception that COVID infections are a truly neutral event for your health -- something that no research, and no study, has ever concluded."
This is the number one reason every friendship I’ve ever had with a man has fizzled out. This is more of a problem than them trying to sleep with me, which is number two.
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
My favorite thing anyone has said to me during a complaint monologue was “do you want me to give you advice or do you just want someone to listen” yes that second one thanks, I know my options and also hate my options
I haven't stopped thinking about this since I read it.
Close all your windows and blinds by 10 am at the latest, open your basement door and put a fan at the bottom of the stairs to blow the cool air up, don't think "oh a little bit of heat is nothing, I can just go about my day as usual". Entire cultures are built around millenia of surviving heat.
I finally bought a rollator, and I suddenly have more physical capacity than I’ve had in the last four years. This is despite being less than three weeks out from major abdominal surgery (caesarian) and deeply sleep deprived due to preemie baby in hospital and pumping round the clock.
Adding to this: People who are smart are wrong A Lot. What makes them smart isn't being right all the time; it's their drive to move from a state of being wrong to a state of being more right and to recognize those states.
Actual smart people see being able to not double down, being able to admit error or lack of knowledge, as smart behavior. They respect a person *more* for saying "I don't know" People who only want to appear smart, never seem to do any of this.
Top-leveling because I know it's not widely known but people should know it, the reason to retire your use of the GIF of the little girl in the blue shirt with the pink background smiling and shrugging. Content note: child sexual exploitation, mentions of suicide, the GIF linked for ID purposes
(clears throat) Let me be very clear and direct here: FUCK every single ghoul who has spread #vaccine misinformation over the past few years. Watch a child suffering from pertussis just once and it will change you. This is fucking preventable and these babies have no choice. They rely on us.
UK whooping cough death toll rises to 8, people urged to get vaccinesapple.news Since January there have been 4,793 confirmed cases of whooping cough, compared with 858 in the whole of 2023, with one academic describing the size of the current outbreak as 'alarming'.
most "games" aren't fun, and aren't even really games. they are work. meaningless work with slick graphics and empty rewards. and if i am going to work, i want it to be useful, and i want to get paid.
what's a gaming opinion that gets u like this
Covid is on the rise and we have a preemie baby in the hospital where nobody gives a shit about precautions.
All the best people have insomnia
It's the mindset of "you must be trying to get sympathy" that blows my mind. Yes, because your thoughts and feelings about disabled people are what they live for, oh Center of All Reality,
This except my immune system also fights made up scenarios
I would do THIS and then I would say THAT and then HIYA! 🥋
“Neurotypical … doesn’t mean normal,” Yakas explained. “It means someone whose neurotype is not being pathologized in their particular culture at this time.”
Happy Pride Month to everyone else who is also chronically ill and high risk and unable to participate in Pride Month festivities because folks won't mask. I see you. Your love is still valid. And to everyone else who can safely attend events this month, please mask up.
A great way to “stick it to the man” and rebel is to mask. They want you to fit in, rebel by protecting your and other people’s health by masking. Survival of us queer folk especially will piss the fascists off. Help by wearing a well-fitted n95 or better.
Every big tech company is like "good news everyone, we found this extremely inbred hapsburg prince, absolutely fucking useless. Sets a forest on fire for some reason every time he opens his mouth. He's now going to follow you around babbling his bullshit 24/7. You're welcome."
The headline stated that due to the new variants “you will catch Covid again” and though I recognize that my words have less reach than a headline please understand that it is not that“you will” but rather that “you might” so you might as well try not to catch it.
For pride month I would like people to consider that the covid pandemic is still here and that queer people are one of the groups disproportionately affected by the spread of covid in terms of levels of disability, mortality, and lack of access to medical assistance
I wish I could tell my family I had a baby without knowing they’d take it as an opportunity to attack