Ashton Pittman

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Ashton Pittman

•Journalist (Mississippi Free Press) •Husband •Pibble Dad
It's telling how all the "small government" people in my life are elated at the idea of a king-like president who can freely commit crimes so long as he does so under the guise of "official acts" cloaked in the power of the presidency. This is how freedom dies.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Wisconsin about the importance of the Supreme Court. She warned that 2016 was "make or break" for the court—and the country. National media—focused on her emails and Trump's antics—barely covered the speech.
Hillary Clinton Just Delivered the Strongest Speech of Her Campaign—and the Media Barely Nothing sums up the high-drama, low-substance nature of 2016 race coverage more than the underplaying of a serious speech about the Supreme Court.
A lot of rich white men and powerful corporations are going to be stoked at the Chevron ruling. For the rest of us, who like to breathe safe air and drink clean water, it's a disaster. This is a Supreme Court for the rich and powerful, not for the people.
It's honestly terrifying to be an LGBTQ+ person in the US right now, here on the precipice. And we're expected to pretend like this is normal politics. Like it's some glorified team sport. And like our rights and lives aren't on the line. I used to have a lot of hope for America. Now, just fear.
I...worked on these talking points for a year...and...he just...he tweeted it out.
If you're Andrew Tate, why even live at all?
I still think it should matter a lot that the U.S. government stole kids from their parents and ran child concentration camps under Trump. There was never enough outrage over this and it's not even treated like an issue in 2024.
It's becoming clear that the election this year is a choice of either a) Joe Biden for president for 4 more years or b) Donald Trump as dictator for the rest of his life.
My favorite Bible story is that time when Jesus falsified business records to hide hush-money payments to the Judean pornstar, Mary Magalynn.
NEW: Here's how top Mississippi leaders are reacting after a New York jury found Donald Trump guilty on 34 felony charges of falsifying business records as part of an illegal scheme to affect the outcome of the 2016 election using hush-money payments.
Trump Guilty: Mississippi Leaders React to Historic Top Mississippi leaders are reacting after a New York jury found Donald Trump guilty on 34 felony charges of falsifying business records as part of an illegal scheme to affect the outcome of the 2016 ...
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a man of conviction.
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a man of conviction.
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NEW: The FBI has raided the office and business of Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens—the Mississippi DA who announced the first indictments in Mississippi's $77 million welfare scandal. It isn't clear what triggered the raid.
FBI Raids Jody Owens, the DA Investigating Welfare The FBI raided Downtown Cigar Company owned by Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens on May 22, 2024.
In a single night, Kim Welch lost her mother, Ida Welch, and her sisters, Vicky Welch and Crystal Welch, in a triple homicide. They can't afford the funerals. Please help her and the Welch family give their loved ones the memorials they deserve:
Welch Family Memorial, organizada por Kim The Welch Family appreciates your prayers and condolences. We are devastated by our loss and we’re not… Kim Welch necesita tu apoyo para Welch Family Memorial
Today my family unexpectedly had to say goodbye to our baby Jackson after 9 years. I'll miss the sound of him excitedly playing with his squeaky balls and him pawing at me to run under his neck, and wanting to join me on the porch in a warm breeze. He was the goodest boy. ❤️🐾
Reposted byAvatar Ashton Pittman
It worries me that, 9 years in, there's a whole generation of young voters coming up who have only ever known Trumpian dysfunction as normal, ordinary, everyday politics.
"We"? He got a worm in there, too?
This is one hell of a notification. 🧠🪱
Dear God, this is a real tweet from a real congressman. I was making fun of RFK Jr.'s brain works too, but...
Netanyahu is a monster. Why are we funding this slaughter of innocents?
Congressman Mike Collins, R-Ga., praised the video in which a white fraternity student made monkey noises and gestures toward a Black woman who was protesting in support of Palestine. "Ole Miss taking care of business," he wrote.
Congressman Praises Clip of UM Frat Student’s Monkey U.S. House Rep. Mike Collins, R-Georgia, praised a video that showed a University of Mississippi student making monkey gestures at a Black woman.
The University of Mississippi student who made the monkey noises at a Black woman has been kicked out of his fraternity. Phi Delta Theta announced his removal today. Earlier, the UM NAACP called on UM to expel Phi Delta Theta member JP Staples.
NEW: As students protested for Palestine, the ghosts of the Ole Miss's racist past rose again. One white man made monkey-like sounds at a Black woman who supported Palestine while his compatriots chanted, “Lock her up!” and "Lizzo! Lizzo! Lizzo!" at her.
As Students Protest For Gaza, Ghosts of UM’s Past Rise A styrofoam cup full of icewater flew out of the hands of a counterprotestor and across the partly cloudy sky toward a group of pro-Palestine protesters at the University of Mississippi on Thursday, m...
NEW: As students protested for Palestine, the ghosts of the Ole Miss's racist past rose again. One white man made monkey-like sounds at a Black woman who supported Palestine while his compatriots chanted, “Lock her up!” and "Lizzo! Lizzo! Lizzo!" at her.
As Students Protest For Gaza, Ghosts of UM’s Past Rise A styrofoam cup full of icewater flew out of the hands of a counterprotestor and across the partly cloudy sky toward a group of pro-Palestine protesters at the University of Mississippi on Thursday, m...
Reposted byAvatar Ashton Pittman
Growing up the worst anti semitism I experienced was from Christian fundamentalists now they get to decide if I'm an anti semite
seems really cool that as a Jew I am now an anti-semite if a white nationalist christian fundamentalist says I am
BREAKING: Medicaid expansion won't happen this year in Mississippi. Senators rejected the House GOP's proposal to put it on the ballot before voters. The GOP Senate still demands expansion be tethered to work requirements that the federal government likely won't approve. #MSLeg
NEW: Mississippi Democrats could tank the Medicaid expansion bill, which they call "Medicaid expansion in name only." GOP senators say expansion may only happen if Trump wins because the bill ties expansion to federal approval of work requirements.
Democrats Could Tank Medicaid Expansion Bill, Leader Mississippi Democrats could kill a Republican-led Medicaid expansion plan that may not pass federal muster, the Senate minority leader warned.