
It worries me that, 9 years in, there's a whole generation of young voters coming up who have only ever known Trumpian dysfunction as normal, ordinary, everyday politics.
i first turned onto politics in the 2000 election. i voted for the first time in 2006. i distinctly remember the Starr Report and Clinton impeachment, Bush v Gore, and the Tea Party as we rolled toward Trumpism. American politics has been broken for a long time.
You could argue that American politics have been broken ever since the accommodation of slavery.
To be fair, anyone that started paying attention to politics post 9/11 is in the same boat The shit's been broken since the 60s, and Reagan turbo charged the evil - but it was Shrub the Lesser and the 9/11 freakout that really sent things off the rails in a way we'd never though possible prior
Those of us whose first vote was for Clinton grew up under Regan and Bush, then got Newt destroying the norms of the time. Entropy ever since.
The first election I voted in was 2000, so it's pretty amazing that I have the faith in democracy I do.
It would help if we lived in a full democracy and not in the Gerrymandered States of America.
Get rid of gerrymandering, and disempower the Senate.
It worries me more that people think it's an outlier and not the obvious outcome of decades of conservative politics being met with bone-headed naivete from the liberal establishment.
It's worth adding, most Democrats haven't voted "for" a candidate in over a decade. Instead they've been told "you must vote for this person who has spent their entire career fighting for things you hate: hard-line immigration policy, Iraq War, drug war, etc.—or you're helping the fascists win."
Oh I believe that they’re gonna change the world for the better.
The first president I was aware of was Nixon, and that was indeed not great generationally.
Those just now able to vote this year, still remember Obama. Though, admittedly, it does feel like a dreamy ancient past. I should shake my roller-ball mouse and yell "back in my day, sunny...."
Unfortunately the dysfunction is now just as Bidenian as it is Trumpian.