Astra Taylor

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Astra Taylor

I wrote about the criminalization of solidarity and followed up with the Stop Cop City movement for Lux Magazine.
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This is a galvanizing read.
For we lay out our vision of a Solidarity State. "A solidarity state offers a potential horizon that is both feasible and transformative—and also more resilient against elite capture and reactionary attacks than our current paradigm."
For a Solidarity State - Boston The state structures society. It can make us more prone to care for one another.
For we lay out our vision of a Solidarity State. "A solidarity state offers a potential horizon that is both feasible and transformative—and also more resilient against elite capture and reactionary attacks than our current paradigm."
For a Solidarity State - Boston The state structures society. It can make us more prone to care for one another.
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The state can make us more prone to care for one another and collaborate—or more inclined to compete for seemingly scarce resources, more mistrustful and afraid. and on on what a "solidarity state" could look like:
For a Solidarity State - Boston The state structures society. It can make us more prone to care for one another.
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Fuck this guy
so in addition to causing significant light pollution that harms astronomical research, the sheer volume of starlink low earth orbit satellites constantly burning up on re-entry could prevent the ozone layer from healing, scientists warn:
Elon Musk's Starlink satellites could burn up the ozone layer, scientists A new study warned that internet satellites like Starlink's could send damaging chemicals into the ozone layer when they burn up on reentry.
Super excited to do a joint book event with my brilliant sister to celebrate SOLIDARITY and DISABLED ECOLOGIES at Scuppernong Books in Greensboro.
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📖 EPISODE 156! 📖 In today’s episode, we discuss the second half of Solidarity: The Past, Present, and Future of a World-Changing Idea by &, all about how transformative solidarity has been used as a strategy for organizing & fighting for social change.
A foundation has offered to purchase and give away a significant number of copies of The Age of Insecurity for free - literally no cost! - to groups that can distribute them to staff, to members, to the public, you name it. 1/2
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A new poll from The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has 51% of US Jews agreeing with Biden’s promise to cut off arms to the Israeli military in response to the latter’s invasion of Rafah. Just 21% disagree.
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Good people doing good work for democracy!
JUST IN: Colorado adopted a new law that's a national first: It mandates in-person polling places within local jails, to help people detained there vote. The Governor just signed the bill into law. Key context: People in jails typically already have right to vote but face enormous hurdles.
Colorado Lawmakers Pass First-in-Nation Mandate for Voting Centers in People held in county jails typically retain the right to vote but face enormous hurdles to actually casting a ballot. The legislature adopted a bill meant to remedy the issue.
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How can we build solidarity in an era of staggering inequality, polarization, violence, and ecological catastrophe? This is the question at the heart of Solidarity from Leah Hunt-Hendrix & that we'll be exploring this month at TOWARD LIBERATION. Join us!
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📚 EPISODE 155! 📚 In today’s episode, we discuss the first half of Solidarity: The Past, Present, and Future of a World-Changing Idea by &, which analyzes how transformative solidarity has been used as a strategy for organizing & fighting for social change.
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Just absurd. Like a committee of mosquitoes charged with keeping us safe from insect bites. The US’s new AI Safety board. There are other names, but mostly tech CEOs.
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"Solidarity helps us understand that identities can be doorways and not destinations—they need to be expanded and transcended." ICYMI, explore highlights from our conversation with #Solidarity authors Leah Hunt-Hendrix &, via SSIR:
Building Solidarity for Transformative Social Change (SSIR) A conversation with Leah Hunt-Hendrix and Astra Taylor about building cohesion across differences and organizing transformative social movements.
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Just going to leave this here since many won't bother to read.
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Check out this recorded conversation between Kōhei Saitō and the incomparable Astra Taylor!
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I sent this message to the UMass administration yesterday: "I was looking forward to speaking next week at UMass Amherst. I visited two years ago and everyone was awesome. My nephew graduated from there and got a great education. But calling the cops on peaceful protesters is a shameful act...” 1/2
Huge honor to talk about our book SOLIDARITY with whose insights and writings (along with are central to our thinking and cited repeatedly in its pages. If you care about social change, subscribe to her podcast!
Outside Agitators Are Good, “Outside agitators have played an incredible role in social movements,” says author Astra Taylor.
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This week, I talk with and Leah Hunt-Hendrix about solidarity, divide and conquer tactics, and why outside agitators are good, actually. As I say here, "Every iteration of the outside agitator trope is grounded in the maintenance of our alienation."
Outside Agitators Are Good, “Outside agitators have played an incredible role in social movements,” says author Astra Taylor.
Because solidarity really is what they are afraid of.
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you don't have to be a moral philosopher to wade through the complexities of these issues. but I happen to be one, so for whatever that's worth: the question of where to stand on genocide is life pitching at you underhand. moral life will never be easier than this.
The Role of Words in the Campus In the campus protests over the war in Gaza, language and rhetoric are—as they have always been when it comes to Israel and Palestine—weapons of mass destruction.
Here’s our full-throated defense of outside agitators. The presence of community members and experienced activists in campus protests is nothing to be ashamed of. We need to connect with and learn from others to build a better world.
We Need “Outside Agitators” Pro-Palestine student protesters are being smeared as puppets of shadowy “outside agitators.” The presence of community members and experienced activists in the protests is nothing to be ashamed of: w...
Supposed to say a *thread*🧵about…
A about the “outside agitator" trope, inspired by our book SOLIDARITY, which looks at why “outsiders” are so threatening and so vital. Outside support matters to movements. Not everyone denounced as an outside agitator is an outsider. But outside agitators are good, actually.
A about the “outside agitator" trope, inspired by our book SOLIDARITY, which looks at why “outsiders” are so threatening and so vital. Outside support matters to movements. Not everyone denounced as an outside agitator is an outsider. But outside agitators are good, actually.
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🚨🚨Do Americans accurately perceive union benefits? 🚨🚨Our new paper (led by Jonne Kamphorst) out this week at PNAS finds: Americans significantly and systematically underestimate material benefits associated with union benefits. 🧵👇