Puff the Magic Hater

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Puff the Magic Hater


Organizer | Co-author of Let This Radicalize You | Hosts Movement Memos podcast | Newsletter: organizingmythoughts.org | Mastodon: http://spore.social/@MsKellyMHayes | More: http://linktr.ee/KellyHayes
My own feeling about the NYT is that it isn't Substack. It isn't a media start-up that you could tank if you applied enough pressure to keep them from recruiting talent. It's an institution. It will keep going even without trans-positive people there, so having them there is tactically necessary.
recharging my phone using the friction between all of the people i follow who hate each other
I need help getting the word out... My friend Jes created a TikTok post about this and if you're on there, please consider sharing: www.tiktok.com/@jfds1111/ph...
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
I don’t much like pushing paid subs for my metal newsletter, but man, I could really do so much more with it if it made just a little more money. Lemme get an arts grant for lefty extreme metal journalism salvo.ghost.io
Salvosalvo.ghost.io Salvo: a heavy metal publication
My day is finally done. Just wrapped a workshop, after putting in a full day at work. I am facilitating another one tomorrow. This month is packed, but if student groups want to chat next month, I have openings. I am especially determined to support groups doing Palestine solidarity work right now.
I made this into a proper response to the absolutely misplaced calls to "turn down the heat": newrepublic.com/article/1838...
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
Where Were Calls for De-Escalation When Libraries Were Being Targeted?newrepublic.com Trump’s fans seem determined to blame this shooting on their victims.
Something I remind myself of regularly is that there are millions of people who care about the same things that I do and/but the gulf between caring and knowing what to do is wide.
My partner has pulled some items out of the closet and tossed them on the floor in an apparent effort to sort and get rid of things we don't need anymore. Among these items are some old, cheap laser tag guns I haven't used since Thanksgiving of 2016. I hope we can get past this conflict.
Next time you see someone quote Audre Lorde's 'master's tools' at you, ask them 2 questions: 1. Can you please define what YOU think the master's tools are currently? 2. What else does she say in that essay?
Some people get thrown under the bus for saying what everyone (who doesn't suck) is thinking.
My cats do not appreciate the tornado sirens. Lil Cam is looking at me like, "What is this shit? Everyone knows the weather happens outside. I don't go outside. This is not my problem."
Another tornado warning. Wtf.
This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
In the immortal words of James Baldwin, "It's not on us to cool it."
Decade after decade of stochastic terror, gun rights fervor, & the foment of conspiratorial thinking by, from, on, & within the right, & yet it's somehow DEMOCRATS & the LEFT who need to "calm things down" or "lower the temperature?" Nah son. We *been* calm, and quite fucking cool and collected. …
My latest for @thenation.com looks at the death of an incarcerated woman at the Central CA Women's Facility during a week of ~110 degree temperatures & the lack of heat mitigation efforts throughout the nation's 2nd largest prison: www.thenation.com/article/soci...
The Scorching Temperatures Are Turning Prison Cells Into Furnaceswww.thenation.com As the death toll due to extreme heat rises, incarcerated people are concerned that their cells could become their coffins.
Jailed for wearing a COVID mask? Yes, that is literally what could happen if the NY Mask Ban goes through which would make "deceptive mask wearing" a class b misdemeanor. TAKE ACTION: covidadvocacyny.org/stopmaskbanny #NoNYMaskBan #COVIDIsntOver #WearAMask #MaskUp #Disability
“For many library workers, the material consequences of unchecked capitalism are the stuff of everyday life.” Emily Drabinski on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism: inthesetimes.com/article/publ...
The Library Is a Commonsinthesetimes.com A socialist former president of the American Library Association on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism.
Sometimes people carry hell with them and want very much to pass it on to others.
I have workshops with two Palestine solidarity student groups this week. What a time to be talking with activists the Biden admin has chosen to lump in with the Trump rally shooter re: "political violence." Glad I can offer them some support.
I've seen some comrades on the Left(s) claim that 45 won't do the things he is promising to do if he is elected again as President and I don't understand what they are saying. Of course, he will do what he says and worse. That's a given. So the question is what we will do in the face of that.
Best articles you've read on the current mess?
The worst social commentary comes from taking an isolated act and turning it into a social phenomenon.
This is truly bonkers in the extreme.
Some dude is advertising their "term papers for hire" on Reddit and including links to their substack where they occasionally out people who didn't pay them. What a world. marlowe1.substack.com/p/jared-gonz...
Jared Gonzalez owes me $100 (Academic Fraud Extra)marlowe1.substack.com [email protected]
Dems are like someone tried to kill the game show Hitler coup guy, so we can't say anything bad about Nazis now and must surrender the country.
I’m boning up on Robert’s Rules of Order. See you in the Marketplace of Ideas!