
Frank Vázquez
Frank Vázquez
Theorist, usually chemistry.
Asst. Prof @StJohnsU Chemistry.
Pronouns: he/him/el
Mexican American. 🇲🇽🇺🇸
Arrêt sur images
Arrêt sur images
La critique média en toute indépendance.
A Thousand-fold refinement in our EM-Field Mapping of Creation in Electrons, Protons, DiProtons, Alphas, Astrospheres, Cluster/Streams, Galaxies — Filaments All
Greg Dubos
Greg Dubos
🇫🇷🇺🇸 Systems Engineer, PhD at NASAJPL in Los Angeles. System Test Lead for EuropaClipper spacecraft. Activity Lead, Avionics and Systems chair on Mars Perseverance rover. GeorgiaTech & SUPAERO alumnus. American-Français
Rebekah Higgitt
Rebekah Higgitt
Historian of science
Principal Curator of Science at National Museums Scotland
#histsci #histSTM #museums
coordinatrice projets #sciencesparticipatives @VigieCiel et @VigieTerre, au @Le_Museum #astronomie #géologie #météorites / PhD @cnrs @Sorbonne_Univ_
Cassini fan account
I study orange moon and I explain things

CNRS planetologist
SARL SANAGA, dessins de presse, illustrations et BD made in Berry
nora bouazzouni
nora bouazzouni • journaliste alimentation-séries-genre • 📚 MANGEZ LES RICHES (2023) & STEAKSISME (2021) & FAIMINISME (2017) • traductrice • taulière
Padre Pio
Padre Pio
Des chats, pas mal de Pratchett et beaucoup d'histoire(s).
Pour les podcasts, c'est par là : ou par là
Marc Dubuisson
Marc Dubuisson
Auteur de BD à la chevelure argentée. Dessine pour la presse. Scénarise pour des gens talentueux.
➡️ Me soutenir et commander mon nouveau recueil :
Eddie Saudrais
Joueur de blouse, je suis un ohm qui travaille dans la résistance, mais qu'au labo.
Julien Gossa
Julien Gossa
Veille et recherche sur les politiques publiques de l'éducation, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
#ESR #DataESR #VeilleESR

Maître de conférences à l'Université de Strasbourg, laboratoire SAGE.
Membre de la CPESR.
Edward Jones-Imhotep
Edward Jones-Imhotep
Director IHPST - University of Toronto | Author: The Unreliable Nation ( | Historian of technology, science, and the self
Mia Stålnacke
Mia Stålnacke
Kiruna Ambassador Of The Year 2020 - Lighthunter in subarctic 🇸🇪 - squirrels - published by NatGeo, Forbes, Nature
L'Homme Qui Rit - Épicycle
L'Homme Qui Rit - Épicycle
Sciences, sujets de société et bêtises.

La nuit j'arpente et pour faire des graphiques sur le salaire des profs ➡️
👖 Agrégé de mathématiques en salopette |
💾 technophile atterré |
🌱 écolo' ⏚ |
💜 allié |
🔥 APMEP Lille
Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)
Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)
Strasbourg astronomical Data Centre (CDS) is dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical data and related information.
David S. F. Portree
David S. F. Portree
space exploration, history, science, maps, archives/libraries, critters, genre fiction

writing about Mars Sample Return planning & Flagstaff AZ's lost Milton sawmill community
Elke Krotz
Elke Krotz
History of Medicine, Medieval literature and language (German, Latin)
Mike Christie
Mike Christie
Interested in maths, physics, astronomy, astrophotography. Member of Astronomical Society of Edinburgh
Olga 🧶
Olga 🧶
Physics, teaching, astrophotography, crocheting, fantasy, science fiction 📚🍿, en nog wel een paar dingen.
Nadia Al-Belushi, MD 🔭🌌🪐
Nadia Al-Belushi, MD 🔭🌌🪐
Half British, half Kuwaiti. Multiracial. Female. 34 years old. Married. Physician.

Love interactive 3D scientific visualizations & simulations, maps, exoplanets, & astronomy/astrophysics/planetarium software.
Karen Masters
Karen Masters
Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Haverford College. Small liberals arts colleges are awesome place to be a professor. Out now: my latest book “The Astronomers Library” about books, libraries and astronomy - three of my favourite things. Brit/US
Bill Speaks Photographer
🔭📷🌩️🥾⚡ Albuquerque NM USA
Jennifer Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Astronomer. Fan of the Galaxy. Member of Periodically interested in origin of elements. Still working on triple pirouette.
Karl Galle
Karl Galle
Historian of science, mostly medieval to early modern astronomy & mathematical arts. Things German, Polish, Egyptian, or hey that looks interesting. Ex public policy + occasional tuba. Copernicus book in progress. Don't get long covid, it sucks.
Molecular biologist from Texas, here to share my meanderings on science, history, politics, and zombies. Long threads a specialty.
Glen Florey
Glen Florey
Former park ranger, current dad
Coral King
Coral King
Nature photographer
All photographs taken by me unless otherwise specified.
Leila Belkora PhD, astrophysics
Leila Belkora PhD, astrophysics
Science writer. Roots in US (NE/CO), Morocco, Switzerland. She/her. Current project: poet Robert Frost as amateur astronomer. Agent Henry Thayer at Brandt & Hochman.
Lucy Knisley
Lucy Knisley
Comics friend.
Suzanne Karr Schmidt
Suzanne Karr Schmidt
Curator of (very old) weird books, prints on fabric, functional ephemera and Director of a pop-up book society. History of art, science, and decorative food. Acquired taste. Mostly in Chicago. She/her
Phil Plait
Phil Plait
Bad Astronomer, SciCommer, Dork. Crash Course Astronomy guy. He/him. Newsletter:

I'm self-employed so my opinions do represent my company's.
I love birds
Brian M. Ross
Brian M. Ross
Surgical X-ray Clinical Educator
Married to
❤️ to learn about astronomy, quantum physics, archaeology, etc.
Mythological Skies - a journey through time, space, and Myth.
Maik Meyer ☄️
Maik Meyer ☄️
Comet hunting in plate vaults & libraries, Meyer comet group, orbit linking & calculating, MP (52005), Cometography 5 & 6, Catalog of Unconfirmed Comets (2023/2024),
Philippe Watrelot
Philippe Watrelot
Ancien Prof de SES et Formateur
Toujours militant pédagogique
Je fais de la veille sur l’actualité éducative et je réagis sur celle-ci
Lyndie Chiou
Lyndie Chiou
Physics. She/her.

Science writer contributing to | Quanta Magazine | Scientific American | New Scientist | NYTimes.

Simeon Schmauß
Simeon Schmauß
dabbling with photogrammetry, astrophotography, GIS and more...

Mastodon: @[email protected]
Mission Operations Center for NASA's Webb Space Telescope. Also operating the Hubble Space Telescope and the upcoming Roman Space Telescope. We help humanity explore the universe with advanced space telescopes and ever-growing data archives.
Le Planétolog
Le Planétolog
Erwin Dehouck, enseignant-chercheur à l'Université Lyon 1. À bord des rovers Curiosity, Perseverance et ExoMars. Ici je vous parle de ces trois missions, et plus généralement de l'exploration du Système solaire. N'hésitez pas à me poser vos questions !
Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales - LABSCAN
Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales - LABSCAN
Observatoire professionnel privé, situé à Moydans, Hautes Alpes, France.
Recherche - Formation - Surveillance Spatiale - Animations
Station de Nuit AFA
Plus d'infos:
Jason Major
Jason Major
I post cool pictures from space. (Everything is in space.)
Anne-Lise Dehier
Anne-Lise Dehier
Sciences, techno, écologie, humanisme. Arts et cultures. Plus observatrice que leader d’opinion.
Dre. Alexandra Gros ⚛ 🧠
Dre. Alexandra Gros ⚛ 🧠
Neuroscience PhD - Régisseuse de l'hippocampe - Féministe - Engagée pour la place des femmes en sciences - Dévoreuse de podcasts
Parfois ce sont les personnes que l'on imagine capable de rien qui font des choses que personne n'aurait imaginé.
(Alan Turing - Film "The Imitation Game")
All photos are mine, except credited reposts.
📸 Photography, Science, Architecture, History, Poetry, the Dictionary, Geology, Upholstery, Design : special interests.
🌎 born @ 323 ppm CO2
Segar Rogers
Segar Rogers
Teacher. Maths. Secondary. Edinburgh.
Old enough to remember chalk.
Corey S. Powell
Corey S. Powell
Fascinated by things very big, very small, and really hard to see. Wanna-be cosmic explorer. Founder of OpenMind: Invisible Universe on Substack: