
I can't even figure out what he thinks he means: we should've stopped Hitler before he invaded Poland? How does that make D-Day a failure? That he would even utter that sentence shows how rotten his brain has become.
(If that *is* what he means, let's remember this is the same guy who warned early on that Trump would destroy his party if he wasn't stopped.)
Yeah. He's talking about appeasement. Not very clearly, and idk if Russia is 1930s Germany, but his point was that even getting to D-Day was a failure. That it didn't even need to occur. I would disagree bc Hitler gonna Hitler, but damn if he didn't misspeak.
Well if you’re like Lindsay, and you think the Nazis should have won then yes.
He would have been the first guy they sent to the camps wearing a Pink Triangle. It would not have ended well for him. Something is broken in his brain.
Wha-… That sound I hear coming from the east? John McCain spinning in his Annapolis grave.
Not just McCain spinning, also Eisenhower, FDR, and millions more.
Not to mention the thousands of troops who lost their lives on the beaches of Normandy. I’m surprised their collective rolling in their graves hasn’t caused a small earthquake Colleville-sur-Mer
What the hell happened to Lindsey Graham ?
He’s mentally a child who can’t function unless he picks a big daddy figure to farm out all his thoughts and opinions to. Around the time that McCain was nearing death Graham imprinted on to Trump and the rest is history
He’s always been spineless. He’s becoming more of who he is.
He's always been a rudderless but ambitious man. At least when he had his friendship with McCain, some of John's views of the world and politics rubbed off on Lindsey. But in his neediness since McCain's passing, Graham lampreyed onto Trump, and he's as much of an ass as the one he's suckered onto.
I think he probably, and I'm doing some heavy lifting for him here, is trying to say that it was a series of other failures to stop Hitler sooner that resulted in d-day having to happen in the first place. His ability to recognize that and still support Trump is beyond galling.
It may be a reach; I’m taking his words literally, because he is educated enough to express his thoughts accurately, without a need for interpretation.
Totally fair, I may have herniated myself on that lift.
Sounds like he's saying that D-Day was the consequence of our failure to stop Hitler earlier, which is reasonable. I assume he was making an analogy to Ukraine. If we have to land millions of American troops in Europe to drive out Putin, that would be a failure too.
Sure, but there was such a strong isolationist sentiment in the US that it would have been impossible to intervene before the Pearl Harbor attack. The most charitable interpretation of this is that it’s ignorant Monday morning quarterbacking almost 80 years late. It’s just a dumb ahistorical take.
The 'WW2 was preventable' myth has had a long, tragic run.
Maybe that'sthe point he is trying (with incredibly bad wording) to make. Parallel with Ukraine today. By refusing to give Ukraine whatever they need to curb stomp Putin right now, we're letting him grow, we'll have to expend more resources, including human lives, American lives, to stop him later.
Agreed on all points. The Allies failed w/ appeasement, but Hitler was gonna do a Hitler no matter what. D-Day would have likely been unnecessary had France decided to update its Army or actually, ya know, shoot the freaking Nazis, but this isn't 1939. Putin isn't Hitler. And Ukraine isn't Poland.
Oh, Putin! I thought y'all were talking about Trump.
Like, morally? Politically? Operationally? Militarily? Because the landing sites (serendipitously) weren’t all in the same place? Because they lost huge numbers of tanks offloading? Because it took longer than best-case to link up? Is there any reasoning here at all?
*right place, not same place.
The Kompromat on Lindsey must be mega-horrible.
that's giving him way too much credit - he's just a piece of shit
For the Nazis, Graham knows what side he would have been on.
I wonder what Lindsey's speech would be as he was standing in front of the 100+ left veterans sitting in front of him who lost their friends and fellow soldiers, watch them being gunned down in order to save democracy. What would Lindsey say to them? Sorry guys, what you did was a failure.
Whatever, Senator Smeagol
A worthless hot take from a real dumbass. But that’s pretty much standard for anything Graham says.
If he meant D-Day was a consequence of failing to stop Hitler sooner, then maybe he should have said that instead of coming across as a complete ass.
but if you say what you mean then it's not open to interpretation by RWNJs and can be used as an indictment against, well, anyone you want
Ol’ Lindsey’s full of hot takes today.
Republican leaders eh? No need for dog whistles now.
Lady Lindsey’s really gone round the bend.
LG should shut his ignorant, traitorous pie-hole.
He has morphed into a real disaster. Bribes or blackmail?
That's because his side lost.
I am sincerely curious how he has not kicked in the teeth yet?
How his teeth are not yet kicked in.*
I keep wondering the same thing about Ted Cruz, at least by the people. And from the party, the two drunks Greene and Boebert...the party of "women shouldn't be heard, and only seen if they're purchased escorts".
I’ve set up before and I’ll say it again: fuck you, Lindsey Graham!
He lost his damn mind a few years ago. The media should not amplify his insanity anymore.
Whatever happened to his supposed “phone hack?”