
If you don't watch a lot of right-wing TV, you might not realize that people who do are primed to believe that Trump is so popular he can't possibly lose fairly to Biden. So if/when Trump loses, it's very easy for these viewers to be convinced that he had it stolen from him. They're easy marks.
They’re like Phish fans that can’t believe people don’t like that garbage
I'd say that's even more true of Zappa fans.
Any passionate fan base, I just hate Phish more than Zappa
I’m on record that I love a lot of Zappa and also find about 2/3 of his music absolute bullshit
They believe that he raised anywhere between $200 and $600 million between 30-31 May. The only source, ofc, is trump, until the first week of August, but we do know that his campaign hasn’t made any ad buys since then. Or since December. There are more logical, less violent toddlers. IOW:
Hillary 2016 : Trump 2024 :: Biden 2024 : Trump 2016
Look they're stupid gullible people. Are they going to do insurrection? I doubt it. The tin foil hat people will not do actual fighting either; the Bannons, Navarro's, Rudy's... Leave it to the tiny amount of bully-boys who just enjoy brawling.
That literally happened in Brazil. The reasoning was: everyone I know voted for Bolsonaro, how did the right wing lose??” And then a bunch of these people tried a January 6th raid style, trashed the presidential palace and were arrested some time later for treason and property damages.
There are STILL people, lots of them, claiming it is impossible for Biden to have ‘won from his basement.’
I disagree. I don’t think they are people. Useless meat vessels for poisoning society.
I think people on here generally get it, but the general public would do well to read up on the topics of gaslighting and cults to better understand where consumers of RW media are at.
Oh yeah, they judged it by crowd size and yard signs in 2020.
I've been seeing a lot of this phenomenon lately. Unsubstantiated belief that your particular group is the majority. Surely it's a logical fallacy of some sort.
Maybe the same one that describes the weirdest/saddest/most condescending article about January 6, that a bunch of them thought the fact that the US Capitol is nice was proof of corruption, and not that we should be proud of our democracy? State capitol buildings are nice, too. Bizarre thinking.
I honestly don't care if Trump cultists are totally bought into the notion that the election must be "stolen" if he loses. Biden (and Democrats) winning in Nov. is what counts. What the MAGAts think or feel about anything after a Biden win is something I couldn't give less of a fuck about.
Yes, and it's worrying. (frightening?)
Only thing coming is Dementia and an entire young population getting stuck with these shit bags for 20 years of repeated poison. Trumps never going away because they will always think he’s still alive.
But he is still a huge Loser. Therein lies their reckoning.
Except if those people were all that dedicated they'd have shown up in much larger numbers on Jan 6th. That was the moment they were playing with the strongest possible hand. The president isn't going to be running offense or defense for them next time they try it.
It is incredibly frustrating to see it happen again. My usual law and order family whose careers were in law enforcement have lost their minds for this man and for the life of me, I just don't get it...
They wouldn't be watching rightwing TV in the first place if they weren't susceptible, broken people ripe for cult membership
This is the terrifying part - they are such easy marks they will go to battle on his behalf.
I, for one Democrat will be locked and loaded,….just in case they decide to try to kill us all.
These are the same people that say "My Trump NFTs are going to be my retirement!" 🙄
Trump has learned that repetition of lies works. It's a Presuasion trick called "inoculation". To review its effectiveness please refer to the events of Jan 6th....
Fox aka Faux News is the right wing propaganda machine. Straight up lies. And those lemmings believe it without any question. Sad that so many soldiers died to defend the rights of these people and they basically shit on their graves. What a democracy!