
She was picked by Biden to be on the ballot in 2020. She received zero votes in the 2020 primaries. She was elected to succeed him *if he died in office*. She wasn’t elected to succeed him after the end of his first term.
There has to be a beauty pageant for the next few weeks where Harris Newsom Whitmer & one or 2 others do tons of earned media and then the 4700 delegates to the convention who represent registered democrats nationwide will vote. That’s the best way to select the strongest ticket for the fall
It’s much, much easier to make the case that those delegates were anointed than Harris. They were selected to put a rubber stamp on Biden, not to be representative of the party’s different factions or to make an important decision about the future of the country.
Right, this is a great point. I actually have no idea what the composition of these delegates is if they’re freed from their pledge to Biden. Should I trust them? Why? Like I trust them as Dem partisans, but beyond that, what’s the case for trusting their independent judgment?
We didn't vote on them. Why then should they be acting on our behalf in this matter, then?
I voted for Joe Biden, I def did not vote for Whoever The Fuck to just make a random guess on my behalf at the Ushering In A Historic Landside Loss ball
Yeah, this proposed hypothetical action here is actually *deeply* undemocratic!
How is it less democratic than handing over the nomination to the person Biden picked as VP, someone who didn’t win a single vote in the 2020 primary?
Because she won over 81 million votes to be vice president.
This is all pointless because in the event Biden steps aside, it's pretty clear no one else will have a realistic shot at beating Harris at a convention, nor will they have the campaign war chest and infrastructure, so they're going to pass on the attempt, and the convention will be a formality.
Find then why is everybody so appalled at the idea that the delegates should make the choice among several possibilities? Yes, Harris and should be a top contender, but if it is simply hers by default, she will be a much weaker candidate in the fall