
She was picked by Biden to be on the ballot in 2020. She received zero votes in the 2020 primaries. She was elected to succeed him *if he died in office*. She wasn’t elected to succeed him after the end of his first term.
There has to be a beauty pageant for the next few weeks where Harris Newsom Whitmer & one or 2 others do tons of earned media and then the 4700 delegates to the convention who represent registered democrats nationwide will vote. That’s the best way to select the strongest ticket for the fall
It’s much, much easier to make the case that those delegates were anointed than Harris. They were selected to put a rubber stamp on Biden, not to be representative of the party’s different factions or to make an important decision about the future of the country.
Right, this is a great point. I actually have no idea what the composition of these delegates is if they’re freed from their pledge to Biden. Should I trust them? Why? Like I trust them as Dem partisans, but beyond that, what’s the case for trusting their independent judgment?
We didn't vote on them. Why then should they be acting on our behalf in this matter, then?
I voted for Joe Biden, I def did not vote for Whoever The Fuck to just make a random guess on my behalf at the Ushering In A Historic Landside Loss ball
Yeah, this proposed hypothetical action here is actually *deeply* undemocratic!
How is it less democratic than handing over the nomination to the person Biden picked as VP, someone who didn’t win a single vote in the 2020 primary?
Because she won over 81 million votes to be vice president.
This is all pointless because in the event Biden steps aside, it's pretty clear no one else will have a realistic shot at beating Harris at a convention, nor will they have the campaign war chest and infrastructure, so they're going to pass on the attempt, and the convention will be a formality.
But when you’re talking about votes that she received the only thing that is valid is the 2020 primary, I’m surprised you didn’t know that.
because votes for VP are tied to votes for Pres. Nobody says “i’m going to cast my vote for the best person to be VP.”
She did not win any votes to be the presidential nominee. Those are two different things. Who picked her to be on the ballot as VP originally? One guy, not 81 million ppl.
Of course she didn't get any votes. She'd dropped out before any of the primaries happened.
You voted for Joe Biden. The delegates to the convention are grassroots party members selected by the state parties to represent the will of Biden voters at the convention. Biden will not be the nominee — he’s going to step aside. His representatives at the convention must vote for a new nominee.
Then they'll probably just vote for the candidate he endorses (likely Harris). What they weren't selected for is to make their own choices.
If Harris makes the best showing over the course of several weeks of in-depth interviews and a townhall or two, then yes, they will and should vote for her and not for the 2-3 other options. But they aren’t Biden’s minions, obligated to vote for whomever he tells them to vote for!
I think you’re misunderstanding who the average delegate is generally and especially in the case of 2024 Biden delegates. None are in that position because of their ability to select the best candidate. They’re there to say “Biden” when asked who they vote for the Dem nominee.
There won't be 2-3 other options. And they literally are Biden minions. That's why they were picked! Pledged delegates are among the hackiest party hacks.
He selected her to serve as his Vice President, and President in the event he is unable. He also selected her to be his VP candidate again on the reelection ticket, which millions of people voted in support of in the primary. You are arguing right now that the DNC should throw those votes out.
They may not be obligated to vote for Harris, but they are, by temperament and position, highly predisposed toward doing so if that’s what Biden advises.
It's quite literally an attempt to undermine democracy in favor of plutocracy.
Your county held a Democratic Convention in March where every Dem is welcome to come and vote. That Convention sends several delegates to State, where we voted in delegates AND Electors. If you did not know about the Convention, I recommend following your local Democratic Executive Committee on FB.
I know one of the delegates well enough to say that the answer for that one in particular is "no."