
I would love to know the identity of these tenured law professors who claim Northwestern won't hire them because they're white guys, and that it hires undeserving people of color instead Like, perhaps Northwestern won't hire you because you're odious, bigoted, and not as smart as you think you are?
I can't believe the extraordinary self-own of being like, "Yes, we had a head start in almost every conceivable way, being white men, but we couldn't get jobs so it must be because of prejudice against us" like...why are you telling on yourself so much?!
Istg they’re gonna do one of these and find Abigail Fisher hiding under that mask
I love the strategy of naming all sorts of white guys who've supposedly been discriminated against, none of whom they could get to be plaintiffs
Anyway, this screenshot should get you & Akiva off to a good start
And they can't even get Doe plaintiffs. "Professor A, Professor B, & Professor C," the ones who "stand ready" to apply for positions at Northwestern, aren't suing; they're just supposed members of the organizational plaintiff who are used to establish standing.
While the plaintiff is called "Faculty, Alumni, and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences," there's no allegation that *any* of its members are faculty, alumni, or students of Northwestern. If this were an LGBT org in Alabama, the lawyers would be headed for trouble.
Sounds like a standing problem.
Could be. They have some barebones standing allegations that their members include people who "stand ready" to apply for faculty jobs there or to submit articles to the law review but don't because of the Mr. Charlie Need Not Apply signs on the door of the dean's office. We'll see.
It’s interesting that the complaint names Ernie Young and Eugene Volokh (but says neither is involved), but won’t identify the “ready and able.” I can’t wait for some Seventh Circuit judge to say that they are just like the NAACP members living in fear under Jim Crow of having their names exposed.
!! right?! curious indeed. and that would be so gross but so true to form
So gross and the 11th circuit just basically have him the green light on that language.
EQUAL RIGHTS FOR LEGACY JAGOFFS (in line with our recent 1st annual Monarchy Day)
major law schools refuse to hire me because I am white, and it's definitely not because I have never studied law nor expressed an interest in law much less applied to a position at a law school--but still, it's definitely the DEI
Week of all weeks for a LAW professor to complain about this
It's a put up by Republicans in order to push propaganda to further their causes. And I will bet the are looking for retribution for something northwest has done in the past!
they’re also benefitting from affirmative action with that capital W in the wa’d po. so lets all be easy my ppls!
Once upon a time, conservatives' answer for improving anything was "competition" -- too bad that doesn't apply to anything white men think they're entitled to.