Tony V

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Tony V

It/it's, Gamer, writer, WoL on Exodus, and more.

Writing comms at

Blogs at . . . Coming soon
Most days it's crucial to be engaged and informed and aware of the world. But occasionally a day exists to look like this
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no im not being a moral scold about it im more saying that the boiling stew of the most rancid frothing maniacs who follow mr violence are not going to be chill about this
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some of yall are posting reckless shit on a very open and easily dumpable protocol. consider saving it for the signal group chat
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quick drawing of an older alisaie! // #FFXIV
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Me any time one of you posts about your roleplaying campaign
Yep still no idea what is going on with me this week but mood sucks and instant anxiety as soon as I hop off work yet again. At least it's Friday and there's indycar going on I guess
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anyway petition to get me a cute someone to hang out and watch movies with please and thank you
I don't know why but for some reason this week everytime I get home my mood just immediately has dropped. And like, work has been frustrating but not that bad this week and I've been sleeping. . . not well, but no worse than normal and I just dunno
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Command & Conquer 🏢 Westwood Studios 📅 1995 🖥 DOS, Mac, Nintendo 64, PS1, Saturn, Windows #videogames
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me and who and who and who and who and who
Sometimes we post important life advice too, like this handy recommendation
6 months back in this account manager role and for all that is holy if I don't get some kind of creative outlet soon I'm going to explode
Man I hate how sometime my brain can just let some incredibly silly insignificant thing just ruin my mood for an otherwise pretty chill day
Have a starflier, from one of the best video games ever
Drop a ship(s) that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek: The R-9A (Arrowhead) from R-Type <3 (god theres so many variants and so many are good)
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Least sociopathic LinkedIn post ever Like infinite monkeys with typewriters eventually you get a LinkedIn post that makes sense
I love my town
Chron reporter Josh Criswell captured this photo under I-10 after Hurricane Beryl. That about sums it up, honestly.
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Chron reporter Josh Criswell captured this photo under I-10 after Hurricane Beryl. That about sums it up, honestly.
Man I'm really tired and just about almost posted a take that would have set fire to like half my friendships in an instant. I'm still not sure holding back was the right choice.
Reaaaaal Monday ass feeling Wednesday over here folks
It feels real jerky to whine about my lack of Internet right now considering how much worse it could (and many people are) be after Beryl. But also man, it really takes the legs out from under most of my ways to pass time
It feels real jerky to whine about my lack of Internet right now considering how much worse it could (and many people are) be after Beryl. But also man, it really takes the legs out from under most of my ways to pass time
"You have received sensible health care. You drive Toyota cars and your dalliance with a used domestic pickup that had character did not end well. Your tolerance for people ... at which point you politely excuse yourself. Without explanation, you decline the escape room team-building event at work."
"You’re pretty good at building fences, enough so that people ask you for help building their fences and then pay you a little something despite your protests. Should you just become a fence guy? Eh, you’ll stay with this finance thing for now..."
What Your Favorite Sad Dad Band Says About The War on Drugs You make your own paella and take super long naps on Saturday. Like over two hours, consistently. You prefer the smallest possible...
Survived the hurricane, still no home internet, so posting from the office that I gotta be honest, i realllly don't want to be in today. But hey, all told came out pretty alright.
Welp that was a weird dive down odd spots of the internet, but hey, I have all of red vs blue available now and I'm almost done lvling my Miner in Dawntrail, so double win
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Night Walker // Tomboy // PC-98
Day 6 in dawntrail: the alt jobs grind begins
That's credits on Dawntrail . . . I'll need to sit with it a bit to really figure out where I land on it but what an incredibly effective story. I'll probably do a more full unpacking sometime later
Dawntrail Day 5: No pic since I'm in the final zone and refuse to spoil that
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No early dawntrail pic today since I'm in office. Also, I would very much like to be not in office