And You Thought It Was Safe(?)

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And You Thought It Was Safe(?)

A writer of fiction, like yourself...And occasional movie & video game reviews. | | Portland, OR, USA, C-53.
Lol - nothing like playing Hot Potato with presidential candidate security.
NEW: Local police warned Secret Service before the Trump rally that they didn't have the manpower to watch the building whose roof the shooter ultimately used, per local and federal law enforcement
Secret Service was told police could not watch building used by Trump rally The warning from local law enforcement of insufficient manpower adds to questions about whether there was adequate security for the high-stakes presidential campaign visit.
This is our national "coping" mechanism. That, and conspiracy theories.
Was Minority Report the movie where they wiped people's memories clean? I feel like that's what's happened in U.S. culture more generally over the past several years. And I think it's accelerating. Anyone else relate to this?
Dems really need a Charles Koch – a billionaire who doesn't give a shit where the money goes as long as Number Go Up. “Truckers who aren't truckers? Boat dealers pretending to be poor? Parents who want their kids to die of COVID? Fine, whatever. Just don't tell me shit, unless its 'Number Go Up.'”
So Dmitri Mehlhorn (bagman to billionaire Linkedin founder Reid Hoffman, one of the Democrats' major piggy banks) tried to join y'all in the “it was staged” chorus. But he's now publicly walking that shit back so it's safe to say the boss didn't buy it. Looks like y'all are on your own for funding.
Elden Ring update 2: Made it to Queen Markia's hometown and now I'm composing an ode to the tune of Don't Stop Believing (ahem): Just a small town girl Took over the whole damn world After making friends with a paramecium...
Asked and answered.
Why /did/ even quite a few liberals like Hillbilly Elegy? Even a passing summary of it reads like the histrionics of a pathetic little motherfucker who can't keep his nose out of everyone else's business.
Elden Ring update: Made it to the Specimen Storehouse. While it gets points for sheer scale, my personal list of Top 5 Creepy Libraries in FromSoftware games remains unchanged.
All of these fuck, though. Love me some old-school pulp covers.
Why I avoided Tolkien for years: a gallery
Elden Ring Update: “Ok...I think I've done everything around the south side of the map...” “...fuck.”
i’m being told it’s my duty to condemn political violence, so in light of yesterday’s events i once again condemn the israeli genocide against the palestinian people, and the united states’ active participation in enabling it.
Hey, look at it this way: 1996 remains secure in its position as the Most Boring, On-Rails Election of My Lifetime. It was touch & go there for awhile, but I think that question'a been settled.
Now there's the message of hope I can cosign
if she could experience joy and grief and horniness and be a hot mess during an apocalypse all while mostly keeping it together, so can u
Upgrade (2018) A better Venom movie than the two-and-counting actual Venom movies we have at the time of writing. Maybe one too many twists at the end, but otherwise a pretty good 100-minute R Rated Twilight Zone episode. You can tell this Whannell dude's going places.
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
Wait, America had something politically violent also happen in its past? The USA? That America? Something violent? Thanks for sharing this arcane knowledge with me, someone who has lived in a cave on the moon my entire life and just got internet access three seconds ago!
We won't "know" anything "official" for hours so now really is "say whatever you want*" time. *that's doesn't get you on a List. Stay safe out there, comrades.
"...recommit ourselves to civility & respect in our politics..."
bigger letdown than when he got covid
Anyone who took a twenty minute break from the internet
Back to scrolling the Elden Ring search results for spiritual succor...and schadenfreude, it's true...but mostly sweet portraits of my Moon Fiancée.
A pleasure to meet thee, Tarnished. #art
The fact The Most Important Election in Our Lifetime™ always comes down to ~50,000 people in three-or-so states is, I think, an underrated source of our national madness & stupidity.
Two of these today. Can only speculate on what they mean. Where's my NYT column?
In american politics you are Unserious if you say things like "Health care should be free" and then this is what comes out of the mouths of Serious people