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Given the history of the US in the Middle East, West Africa, and Latin America, I'm not sure if this was a good thing he did by accident.
My politics are based on LOTR => I'm a closeted monarchist and a war monger who completely ignored the bits on environmentalism, multiculturalism, and smoking weed.
More like Isldork, amirite?
AI Generated Art may have finally gone too far
Excited to hear how you do against these guys in the next Animal Fights.
Smallville found a good mix between grimdark and hopeful. Superman fighting eldritch horrors in high school was a good show formula.
They could have flagrantly ripped off The Rescuers Down Under and nobody would have blamed them. The movie would have made a zillion dollars and they'd have been selling merch for the next twenty years.
The bar for Biden is extremely low. All he needs to do is... Ah, shit, he tripped. And his hip is broken. And he's got malaria, somehow.
Median Fox News viewer is 68. So that tracks.
The way these firms are entering a maintenance overhead death spiral, they'll be lucky if they can keep the lights on.
SCOTUS rules in a 6-3 decision that the president doesn't have the power to set term limits. President declines to seat any additional judges to change that verdict.
Dem voters make a lot of noise about how ridiculous the EC is, but show me a national campaign with half the effort to get an amendment passed relative to what Bush did to try and ban gay marriage nationally. Hell, show me a national party that's serious about DC statehood.
Maybe you're absolutely right and four more years under Biden just means tons of new Millennial/Zoomer voters who will turn out against Trump. I fervently hope your instincts are correct. But I thought that way in 2016, too. Once bitten, twice shy.
74M votes would have been enough to beat Obama's popular vote total in 2008 by 3-pts. If Dems *only* rally Obama high water mark margins (69M), they lose nationwide. They only get a 46/54 win if they repeat Biden's 81M turnout, in a year when Biden is significantly less popular.
People need to look at the fucking vote totals and stop pretending Trump is "unpopular". 74M votes in 2020 would have been a landslide in any other election. Dude isn't unpopular and Dems are going to get McGoverned insisting that he is.
Not sub enough, particularly in these battleground states. And Russian Roulette isn't a fun game to play when you've got one bullet in the gun, much less three.
He doesn't have to be. Not when a couple of red state governors can just stop counting votes - a la 2000 under Bush v Gore - and the SCOTUS will wave him through to the White House.
In the last 100 years, exactly six presidents have gone into re-election with a sub-50% approval rating and four of them lost. This is a repeat of an election that Biden won by a meager 40,000 votes across three swing states - where he's currently polling underwater. Seems concerning.
If this was a popular vote, I'd agree. But so much depends on how Pennsylvania voters are feeling on election day.
Just feels like we've been here before.
Decided by a razor thin margin both in 2016 and 2020. And in each case, current events lent a strong headwind to the incumbent. Not pretending I can see the future, but Biden's approval in 2024 is way down. And turnout in 2020 was sky high. If Biden's bros don't show up but Trump's do...
Nonsense. This must have been a far-left Deep State globalist super assassin who was only deterred by Divine Intervention.
The joke of "AI" as a gimmick is that - fundamentally - this is what Google was doing five years ago to good effect. High end web crawling and search prioritization needs a robust LLM. But Sam Altman's MS funded carny act, plus eroding ad revenue, has gutted good search and left us with this crap.
Still sounds like capitalism. But you've gotta stop pretending it's a democracy
Only glamour muscle I need is this beautiful smile, Jack
Honorable mention to Hork Ptwewy
You have to be in the top 5% of IQ scores to fully grasp the profound depths of Ranma 1/2 and My Neighbor Totoro.
The cinematography and the acting is so good though. I know next to nothing about the restaurant business, so I assume this is exactly how Jason's Deli operates.
Kamala is disqualified because we reflexively assume any black woman candidate is DOA. It has to be an octogenarian friend of Strom Thurmond or people won't vote for him.