
listen i'm not saying GIMP is useless but i am saying it's a misrepresentation to act like it's a perfectly acceptable 100% replacement for Photoshop and that its interface isn't totally fuckin busted. like sorry but i have been on Computer since 1994 and it is among the worst UIs i have ever seen
people are so smug about “just drop adobe” and that’s how you know they’re not doing real work with it, adobe is able to be so miserable to people because so much adobe software is literally irreplaceable right now
yeahhhh it's the same with the "just get linux" people 🫠 like okay i'm glad it works for you but it won't for me! what if we all fought for better standards/consumer rights!!!
Linux is free (if you don't value your time)
HA. I love that.
sums things up nicely in my experience
It does, and as a person who's worked in computers forever. It is 100% accurate.
I remember one old techie friend of mine insisting I should try Linux because Windows has nothing going for it 'apart from a pretty nice GUI' and I'm like, yes? Okay? That's a hugely important part of an OS for almost everyone who has to use a computer for anything, it does actually matter a lot.
I don’t know exactly what they’re doing with their computers aside from browsing, coding and office stuff 🤷
(as in the libre office suite which is pretty amazing and is available on windows)
Libre is enough until you need to submit something in manuscript format. Then you wonder why it's missing what seems to be incredibly basic features.
That's what LaTeX is for. It's the preferred submission format for a lot of academic publications. Especially if you have any complicated math formulas in it. It's a pain in the ass for any kind of sophisticated page layout, but it was never intended for that kind of use.
LaTeX -
"you can still run windows stuff on a virtual machine" or i could use windows. and still be allowed to complain that windows sucks sometimes without people telling me the solution to my problem is a hat on a hat!!! D:<
fuck around with a windows VM?? why would you tho? could you even game on that? use graphics heavy apps like CSP (I mean maybe with resource allocation, but it all sounds like such a hassle and the point is to avoid hassle)
It's gotten a lot better over the years, and at this point can be quick easy and fully functional. As far as gaming, Valve has done a *lot* of work so that most games will now run directly in Linux But that "can" is doing a lot of work here, and you might get unlucky and it's a giant slog
oh yeah, I was gonna say it has gotten a lot better that it can be a viable option. I just remember saying switch to linux 10 years ago 😆
I mean, once you’re saying “switch to Linux but run Win in a VM” it’s a hell of a lot easier to stay on Windows and run the WSL for all your Linux stuff you’re trying out.
To be fair, I *did* switch to Linux and I do an awful lot of stuff with it (music stuff via FL Studio, video editing via Davinci Resolve, Steam library pretty much just works, and I familiarized myself with Krita for my art as I would not touch GIMP with a ten foot pole)
GIMP is such a hilariously bad piece of UX, ever experience I've ever had with it has been nothing but painful and confusing. I refuse to ever touch it again, *especially* since much friendlier alternatives exist.
There are many things you can do this with but a lot of the alternatives just aren’t there yet so it’s really use case dependent. Like resolve is an easy switch. I do not like reaper or FL and much of my audio hardware has a bunch of specialized software so Live has me stuck on windows.
But honestly stuff like substance painter, or Lightroom, or photoshop are so far ahead of other tools in my experience that it’s very hard to move off them.
much like GIMP it's not that Linux can't do anything it's just that it's still WAAAAAAY far away from being able to do everything lol. i use a die cutting machine to make stickers for my shop and hoo boy that is extremely not happening on Linux 🫠
Yeah I mean I like Linux, I can *soft* recommend it in terms of "if you were already thinking about switching, go for it", but I can't really *hard* recommend it bc you gotta be ready to switch up big parts of your workflow & find weird workarounds for lack of third party software support.
I don’t recommend it to people unless they are already considering switching, and even then I just say “try it and see if it works for you” The reality is Linux is great* *if it fits your use-case and works with what you need it to. It’s been absolutely getting better for more people, though
I'm in a very similar spot. See, this right here. When even us linux users hate its interface, GIMP stans can't pretend the only people who don't like it just hate all open source software or hate it for not being Photoshop. It just sucks ass. Simple.
Every time I bring up the lack of usable, professional applications to my Linux cult friends, they always act like I said some egregious slur or something. No, really, the OSS solutions are just not up to snuff in most cases, and the ability to work with my decades of prior made files is important!
there is a certain degree of cultlike mentality to the hardcore linux crowd that drives me nuts. they are willing to make Large Sacrifices in order to stand by principals, which is great, but then seem to expect the entire rest of the world to live by their cyberpunk ethos and that aint it
and so many of these people are functionally leeches? like they'll shame you for not using linux or OSS tools but not contribute to the development to make them more accessible or useful. they kind of gain cred by association.
Thank you for touching on the "just use a desktop Linux" recommendations. I've tried various desktop Linuii over my lengthy career and years and I'm always like "nope. Still nowhere close to being my primary OS."
LOL i simply have a grudge after many years of being a power user but not a programmer and reading many annoying "windows, there's your problem" replies on help forums
like As someone who really enjoys linux and dual boots, it is a pain in the ass to install (i've bricked my laptop once doing it), has less things out-of-the-box compatible with it, and can be trickier to figure out how to use even w a relativrly easy distro . im smiting every smartass
Using any other graphics program really drives home what a remarkable piece of software Photoshop is/was, which makes it all the more disgusting that Adobe management is bent on ruining it.
I think the most frustrating thing is that as software it’s actually not ruined? It’s better than ever? It’s so good at what it does it feels like magic. And then they ruin the LICENSE. Of all ways to ruin it, that’s the one that hurt the most.
I'm currently using Photoshop Elements, the stripped-down version, because it's the only version you can just buy a copy of and own. It's not as good as full Photoshop but it beats any alternative I've tried by a county mile.
As a layman, I basically can't tell the difference between photoshop and Krita... Of course as a layman I don't exactly put it through its paces. Where would you say it falls short?
They stripped out some stuff when they went subscription-only. I remember noticing that much.
Like literally, even as someone who DID drop adobe and has been using medibang family app, I have *lost parts of my previous art style* in transition despite PS being kinda shit for painting because chances are you'll have to make sacrifices or use multiple apps to replace it.
Affinity's doing a pretty good job of making the UX feel similar to Adobe's suite, but there's still that small disconnect between it and my muscle memory that makes me hesitate to switch over. And then there's the whole thing with everyone I work with still being on Adobe, so I'm kind of stuck :/
Some friends of mine were doing graphic design in college a couple of years ago and were told that if their coursework wasn't created with Abode products then it would automatically be deemed inadmissible. They were offered discounts from the college to get the software though.
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UGH, I hated that. And then when I had to close my account and end my subscription, it was a pain in the goddamn ass to make them stop charging me. And that was years ago; I've heard it's only gotten worse since.
just drop adobe and recommend…GIMP 😂. I’m sure it’s a lot better now but I used it in like 2006 and was NOT impressed
i touched it again recently to make sure i wasn't just being a hater when i discourage people from trying to use it and. i am still correct. they've barely done anything to improve it in like the 14 year gap between when i had to use it for a high school project and when i tested it again lmfaoooooo
Do you have thoughts on Affinity? I was attracted to it because: Not Adobe (licensing!) Not GIMP (hard to use) It was fairly cheap and fairly intuitive to use.
It seems to be ok? I'm still not great with it; after a lifetime of using Adobe, the interface itself is a big learning curve.
i've never used it haha, i use CSP these days
It's not actually much better now! It has more features but they're so annoying to try to use it's a no-score loss there
Right. My job is not switching us to something that would be slower to use, it works on Macs, everyone has it so our files are compatible. The end.
Not to mention that given how adobe operates, you could put all that effort in to switch and then the company could get bought in a month anyway.
My client work really does not allow me to let Adobe go fully